• 33,553 Achievements Earned
  • 1,307 Players Tracked
  • 30 Total Achievements
  • 1,600 Obtainable EXP
  • 562 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Find first glimmering mirror

    97.93% (4.00)
  • Find half of all glimmering mirrors

    88.83% (4.00)
  • Find all the glimmering mirrors

    54.55% (197.00)
  • Find the first card with Imp

    98.24% (4.00)
  • Find half of the cards with Imps

    92.58% (4.00)
  • Find all the cards with Imps

    73.07% (147.00)
  • Finish a Minigame in less than 1 minute

    97.70% (4.00)
  • Finish three Minigames in a row without skipping

    95.56% (4.00)
  • Finish all Minigames without skipping

    69.47% (155.00)
  • Find 3 Hidden Objects in 3 seconds

    98.55% (4.00)
  • Complete three Hidden Object Puzzles with no more than 5 mistakes in each one

    75.67% (142.00)
  • Complete any Hidden Object Puzzle without using Hints

    98.70% (4.00)
  • Finish any Hidden Object Puzzle in less than half a minute

    78.58% (137.00)
  • Complete all Hidden Object Puzzles without using Hints

    73.68% (146.00)
  • Make first moral choice in the game

    96.33% (4.00)
  • Face consequences of your decisions

    90.13% (4.00)
  • Get into Tvardovsky's domain

    98.16% (4.00)
  • Heal wounded Yagna

    97.63% (4.00)
  • Put the Wolf to sleep

    95.49% (4.00)
  • Get away from the prison cell

    93.57% (4.00)
  • Make elixir for Yanosik

    91.89% (4.00)
  • Get into Tvardovsky's house

    91.35% (4.00)
  • Help the Imp to assemble the necklace

    90.97% (4.00)
  • Find proof for Yanosik

    90.82% (4.00)
  • Defeat Tvardovsky

    90.13% (4.00)
  • Free Jenny

    89.44% (4.00)
  • Watch all the cutscenes from the first hour of the game

    88.68% (4.00)
  • Read all the notes placed in the game

    69.32% (155.00)
  • Talk with all Imps in the game

    56.62% (190.00)
  • Play the game again and make different choices

    43.53% (247.00)