• 194,430 Achievements Earned
  • 12,555 Players Tracked
  • 34 Total Achievements
  • 9,011 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,000 Points
  • 187 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Qualify from a team game with a score of 1

    25.58% (265.00)
  • Equip an uncommon or better Body Colour, Pattern, Upper and Lower Costume piece

    34.03% (199.00)
  • Clock up 1 hour total time falling

    27.19% (249.00)
  • Knock someone over

    84.99% (80.00)
  • Perform an emote just before coming first in a race round

    6.29% (1078.00)
  • Equip your first legendary customization item

    47.44% (143.00)
  • Qualify after a round goes to overtime

    44.21% (153.00)
  • Qualify from a racing round despite falling over more than 10 times

    85.28% (80.00)
  • Reach terminal velocity

    74.77% (91.00)
  • Reach lvl 10 fame during a season

    71.37% (95.00)
  • Reach lvl 25 fame during a season

    42.09% (161.00)
  • Reach lvl 40 fame during a season

    24.94% (272.00)
  • Unlock 50 cosmetic items from the store

    9.59% (707.00)
  • Qualify from a round without falling over even once

    66.87% (101.00)
  • Share a hug with a Fall Guy

    74.41% (91.00)
  • Equip a legendary Body Colour, Pattern, Upper and Lower Costume piece

    35.28% (192.00)
  • Win 5 Episodes in a row

    6.59% (1029.00)
  • Equip a rare or legendary Body Colour, Pattern, Upper and Lower Costume piece

    22.85% (297.00)
  • Qualify from your first round

    97.59% (69.00)
  • Qualify from 100 rounds

    43.32% (157.00)
  • Qualify from 500 rounds

    14.37% (472.00)
  • Get first place in a racing round

    65.15% (104.00)
  • Get first place in a racing round 5 times

    29.02% (234.00)
  • Get first place in a racing round 20 times

    9.85% (688.00)
  • Unlock 10 cosmetic items from the store

    28.24% (240.00)
  • Win an Episode with a custom Punchline equipped

    19.39% (350.00)
  • Equip your first cosmetic item

    97.13% (70.00)
  • Win an Episode as part of a party of 3 or more players

    37.35% (182.00)
  • Bump into other Fall Guys 1000 times in total

    72.30% (94.00)
  • Fall for at least 3 seconds before landing on your head

    73.59% (92.00)
  • Bump into 3 people while rolling on the ground before getting up

    72.04% (94.00)
  • Win your first Episode

    65.75% (103.00)
  • Win 7 Episodes

    26.90% (252.00)
  • Win 20 Episodes

    12.86% (527.00)