Kill 15 soldiers with explosives
Complete the Operation "Who's a Good Boy?"
Acquire 3 Supremos
Complete "Fractured Fortress" in under 90 seconds
Beat the game in Mind Level 4
Complete "The Balancing Point"
Complete one Trial
Beat the game in Mind Level 1
Capture all FND Bases or Safe Houses (DLC Only)
Escape the Containment Protocol
Complete the Operation "Guerrilla Radio"
Acquire all of Juan's Resolver Weapons
Complete the Special Operation "Mesozoico"
Find 10 Criptogramas Charts or destroy 10 Chibis (DLC Only)
Unlock a Safe House
Acquire 6 Supremos
Complete 5 Bandido Operations
Win 5 Dominoes games
Kill ten eagles
Complete all 15 rifts
Complete "The Book of Joseph"
Complete one Armory Challenge
Destroy one Chibi
Destroy 15 Corruption Cores
Defeat a Defense Unit while it is invisible
Find 5 USB Sticks
Collect 5 Sidearm Weapons
Complete "Providence"
Collect 10 pieces of Head Gear
Keep the shard from going critical in "Surging Shard"
Restart a rift using glints
Defeat a Defense Unit with a mortar in "Target Practice"
Complete an Operation
Perform a pen takedown or melee kill
Find 10 Roosters
Ride ziplines for 500 meters in "Mountain Scramble"
Beat the game in Mind Level 2
Win a Gran Premio
Collect the first shard
Beat the game in Mind Level 3
Perform a stealth takedown on 5 Defense Units in "Storm Runner"
Pet a golden animal
Complete 20 Operations
Collect 30 Charms
Capture 10 FND Bases
Acquire 5 weapons in a single run
Complete all Treasure Hunts or Armory Challenges (DLC Only)
Find 10 USB Sticks
Unlock the Royal Palace
Recruit 3 Amigos
Complete "Checking Out"
Reach the end of a rift with the Rift Key in your inventory
Find 6 Roosters
Complete "The Encasement"
Collect 30 Custom or Overclocked Primary Weapons
Perform 11 headshots in "Dying Shard"
Perform 20 "Death From Above" Machete Kills on soldiers
Complete "Graven Image"
Win 3 Cockfights
Complete 5 Treasure Hunts
Win 3 Gran Premios
Acquire 5 of Juan's Resolver Weapons
Complete the Operation "Libertad Rises"
Complete the Operation "Paradise Lost"
Take out 10 soldiers with Throwing Knives or Throwing Axes
Collect 15 Charms
Complete all Operations
Defeat 15 Defense Units using gadgets
Respawn ten times
Collect three pieces of the Silver Dragon Blade
Complete "Thicker Than Water"
Defeat 250 Defense Units
Locate the correct portal in "Deadly Decision"
Take out 15 soldiers with the Auto-Turret
Collect three pieces of Joseph's Cross
Complete "Sound and Fury"
Complete "House on Fire"
Capture 20 Checkpoints or complete 20 Trials (DLC Only)
Defeat a jaguar or alligator in "Blackout Cave"
Kill 150 enemies