• 894,098 Trophies Earned
  • 77,213 Players Tracked
  • 49 Total Trophies
  • 14,671 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 2,237 Platinum Club
  • 2,226 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn the highest honors

    2.90% (1192.00)
  • Kill a Faction Captain in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory

    30.10% (115.00)
  • Aquire all conflict diamonds in the game available through payment or exploration

    5.35% (646.00)
  • Save a Buddy from captivity

    89.28% (39.00)
  • Work with a Buddy to subvert a mission offered by a faction

    53.16% (65.00)
  • Find all the Safe Houses in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory

    11.23% (308.00)
  • Find all the Safe Houses in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory

    10.59% (326.00)
  • Turn over the first set of the Jackal's audio logs to the Journalist

    14.92% (232.00)
  • Complete all the available Underground side-quests in both the North and the South

    20.85% (166.00)
  • Unlock new weapons by hitting a Convoy

    52.27% (66.00)
  • Escape the Town

    99.39% (35.00)
  • Escape to Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory

    29.58% (117.00)
  • Purchase the manuals and acquire the bandolier for one weapon

    31.78% (109.00)
  • Deliver stamped travel documents to the Underground in exchange for medicine

    41.09% (84.00)
  • Complete a Mission intercepted from a cellular tower signal

    46.04% (75.00)
  • Break the ceasefire and reignite the conflict

    28.71% (120.00)
  • Complete a Buddy side quest

    35.11% (98.00)
  • Get rescued by a Buddy

    73.18% (47.00)
  • Enter every 1 square kilometer map region of the world

    24.98% (138.00)
  • Turn over all of the Jackal's audio logs to the Journalist

    5.92% (584.00)
  • Purchase the manuals and acquire the bandoliers for every weapon

    6.41% (539.00)
  • Switch sides in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory

    41.45% (83.00)
  • Switch sides in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory

    23.97% (144.00)
  • Unlock all weapons by hitting every Convoy

    24.05% (144.00)
  • Escape torture at the old slave outpost

    20.98% (165.00)
  • Wipe out the senior leadership of both Factions and determine who will be the new Warlords

    20.43% (169.00)
  • Save a Buddy from a mortal wound

    51.05% (68.00)
  • Rescue all the Buddies from their respective predicaments

    9.45% (366.00)
  • Subvert all the main faction missions in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory

    17.23% (201.00)
  • Subvert all the main faction missions in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory

    13.28% (260.00)
  • Complete all Missions intercepted from cellular tower signals

    10.18% (339.00)
  • Comfort a Buddy and ease his passing

    36.41% (95.00)
  • Enter the Heart of Darkness

    20.25% (171.00)
  • Resolve your conflict with the Jackal to facilitate the exodus

    20.02% (173.00)
  • Get highest revives count in a ranked match

    13.47% (257.00)
  • Reach Rank 5 (Ranked Match)

    13.70% (252.00)
  • Win a round as the Captain in Uprising mode (Ranked Match)

    8.98% (385.00)
  • Get highest xp total in one match (Ranked Match)

    13.81% (250.00)
  • Win a match with 16 players (Ranked Match)

    9.52% (363.00)
  • Upgrade one class 3 times (Ranked Match)

    14.67% (236.00)
  • Play at least one full round in every Official Map (Ranked Match)

    6.48% (533.00)
  • Play at least one full round in every Game Mode (Ranked Match)

    13.25% (261.00)
  • Reach Rank 10 (Ranked Match)

    6.61% (523.00)
  • Reach Rank 20 (Ranked Match)

    3.96% (873.00)
  • Get 500 revives (Ranked Match)

    4.67% (740.00)
  • Achieve Rank 30 (Ranked Match)

    3.93% (879.00)
  • Unlock field manuals for all weapons (Ranked match)

    3.85% (898.00)
  • Create a map and get it validated in all game modes

    11.78% (293.00)
  • Download and rate 25 usermaps

    7.70% (449.00)