• 7,294 Trophies Earned
  • 964 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Trophies
  • 38,652 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 5 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Welcome to your new farm!

    100.00% (112.00)
  • Fix 1 building

    96.47% (116.00)
  • Fix 10 buildings

    70.12% (160.00)
  • Fix 25 buildings

    25.00% (449.00)
  • Own a tractor

    93.98% (119.00)
  • Own a tractor, plough, cultivator, seeder, trailer and a combine

    43.57% (258.00)
  • Own full set of modern machines

    6.22% (1804.00)
  • Renew all your farm buildings

    74.27% (151.00)
  • Have 1 field plowed, cultivated and sown

    61.72% (182.00)
  • Have 4 fields plowed, cultivated and sown

    8.51% (1319.00)
  • Have 10 fields plowed, cultivated and sown

    4.56% (2461.00)
  • Get married

    14.73% (762.00)
  • Have a child

    5.60% (2004.00)
  • Own 10 fields

    6.43% (1745.00)
  • Help 10 people

    54.77% (205.00)
  • Help 20 people

    28.32% (396.00)
  • Help 50 people

    9.13% (1229.00)
  • Own 250,000 Eur

    8.40% (1336.00)
  • Own 1,000,000 social points

    0.52% (21581.00)
  • Catch 100 fish

    5.71% (1965.00)
  • Own 10 animals

    37.66% (298.00)