• 28,409 Trophies Earned
  • 2,624 Players Tracked
  • 27 Total Trophies
  • 3,881 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 505 Platinum Club
  • 502 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You have collected all trophies.

    19.28% (271.00)
  • Your account has reached more than 1 million.

    46.53% (112.00)
  • There is more than 5 million in your account.

    33.27% (157.00)
  • Your wealth has surpassed 10 million.

    30.11% (174.00)
  • You paid back the entire bank loan.

    52.25% (100.00)
  • You have covered more than 100 mi with vehicles.

    59.60% (88.00)
  • Your total driving distance has increased to over 1000 mi.

    27.25% (192.00)
  • Your playing time in a single savegame has reached over 10 hours.

    61.17% (86.00)
  • You have harvested more than 10 hectares.

    50.99% (103.00)
  • You have harvested more than 100 hectares.

    30.07% (174.00)
  • You have sown more than 10 hectares.

    53.43% (98.00)
  • The total area sown by you exceeds 100 hectares.

    31.17% (168.00)
  • You have found 25 gold coins.

    32.09% (163.00)
  • You have found 50 gold coins.

    31.36% (167.00)
  • You have found all 100 gold coins.

    30.60% (171.00)
  • You have completed 50 missions.

    21.61% (242.00)
  • You managed to reach a negative balance on your very first day.

    46.30% (113.00)
  • You planted a tree using a tree planter.

    36.70% (143.00)
  • You planted 50 trees in one game using a tree planter.

    30.03% (174.00)
  • You cut down a tree either with a chainsaw or a wood harvester.

    92.68% (2.00)
  • You cut down 50 trees in one game with a chainsaw or a wood harvester.

    42.38% (123.00)
  • You sold 50 tons of wood in one game.

    49.73% (105.00)
  • You cut down at least one of each tree species in one game.

    31.75% (165.00)
  • You bought and placed your first wind turbine.

    37.42% (140.00)
  • You own a flock of at least 50 sheep.

    34.22% (153.00)
  • You own a herd of at least 50 cows.

    37.84% (138.00)
  • You created 100 bales in one game.

    32.81% (159.00)