• 1,834,416 Trophies Earned
  • 115,383 Players Tracked
  • 49 Total Trophies
  • 18,481 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 2,257 Platinum Club
  • 2,255 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies (excluding additional content trophies)

    1.96% (3006.00)
  • Complete the Bronze stage of all Skills

    35.09% (168.00)
  • Become Legendary on one of the Skill Challenges

    12.90% (457.00)
  • Unlock a Skill Challenge

    51.52% (114.00)
  • Score on a free kick after running over the ball

    4.83% (1220.00)
  • Goal Line Clearance

    59.53% (99.00)
  • Wall creep, free kick is blocked by wall

    30.44% (194.00)
  • Score an off balance shot

    87.48% (67.00)
  • Chip the Keeper

    75.53% (78.00)
  • Score a Diving Header

    70.63% (83.00)
  • Shield the ball out of play for a goal kick

    17.72% (332.00)
  • Win a FUT Seasons Match

    38.95% (151.00)
  • Seal out an attacking player to gain possession of the ball

    84.95% (69.00)
  • Win all the EAS FC Match Day Games of the Week in a single week

    5.64% (1045.00)
  • Win an EAS FC Match Day Live Fixture

    16.74% (352.00)
  • Play 25 EAS FC Match Day Games

    8.57% (687.00)
  • Win a Division title in Seasons

    33.25% (177.00)
  • Win a Cup in Seasons

    7.05% (836.00)
  • Play your first match with your Online Pro

    27.56% (214.00)
  • Earn a Promotion in Seasons

    34.26% (172.00)
  • Be part of a Club win

    14.67% (402.00)
  • Play a Seasons game with a Guest

    7.18% (820.00)
  • Unlock 10% of the accomplishments with your Online Pro

    15.24% (387.00)
  • Unlock 25% of the accomplishments with your Online Pro

    12.90% (457.00)
  • Win an Online Friendlies Season

    25.71% (229.00)
  • Take Control of your own FIFA Ultimate Team

    59.76% (99.00)
  • Win a Trophy in a FUT Competition

    38.83% (152.00)
  • Claim your first FUT Pack

    42.61% (138.00)
  • Purchase a gold player in the Auction House for 15,000 or more coins using buy it now

    16.04% (367.00)
  • Achieve a club value of 85,000,000

    3.21% (1835.00)
  • Earn promotion in FUT Seasons

    30.61% (192.00)
  • Open 50 FUT Packs

    15.56% (379.00)
  • Find a team of the week player in a pack

    8.53% (691.00)
  • Win a match against the team of the week

    28.31% (208.00)
  • Enable European competition in the first season of Career

    37.35% (158.00)
  • Become manager of an international team

    32.04% (184.00)
  • Successfully request additional funds from your board in Career

    19.32% (305.00)
  • Get called up to the national team as a player

    24.74% (238.00)
  • Complete a Player + cash deal in Career

    29.98% (197.00)
  • Achieve one of your season objectives as a player at any point in your career

    27.08% (218.00)
  • Achieve your match set objective as player at any point in your career

    32.48% (181.00)
  • Start your Player Career with a Created Pro

    42.68% (138.00)
  • Go out on loan or transfer to another club with your Pro in Play as Player

    32.79% (180.00)
  • Sell a player by getting your counter offer accepted by the CPU

    40.30% (146.00)
  • Reach the daily limit of XP in the EA SPORTS Football Club

    48.81% (121.00)
  • Reach level 5 in the EA SPORTS Football Club

    73.40% (80.00)
  • Reach level 20 in the EA SPORTS Football Club

    47.61% (124.00)
  • Complete an EA SPORTS Football Club Challenge

    27.15% (217.00)
  • Redeem an item with EAS FC Football Club Credits.

    50.34% (117.00)