• 1,508,582 Trophies Earned
  • 98,067 Players Tracked
  • 44 Total Trophies
  • 13,663 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 3,193 Platinum Club
  • 3,190 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies (excluding additional content trophies)

    3.26% (1808.00)
  • Score with a Curling Lace Shot

    87.51% (67.00)
  • Score with a Dipping Volley

    76.93% (77.00)
  • Straight Arm a Defender to Protect the Ball

    70.00% (84.00)
  • Win the ball back with a Second Chance Tackle

    91.37% (64.00)
  • Perform a Diving Header Clearance

    17.94% (328.00)
  • Score with a first time Sliding Shot

    64.15% (92.00)
  • Score with an Outside of the Foot Shot

    78.26% (75.00)
  • Win a game on Legendary after trailing at half time

    13.87% (425.00)
  • Score a Perfect Hat Trick (left foot, right foot, header)

    55.44% (106.00)
  • Complete the Silver stage of all Skill Games

    5.64% (1045.00)
  • Become Legendary on one of the Skill Challenges in Skill Games

    14.16% (416.00)
  • Unlock a single Skill Challenge in Skill Games

    48.74% (121.00)
  • Follow a Football Club News & Alert to start or enter FUT

    35.42% (166.00)
  • Create a FUT Club

    67.96% (87.00)
  • Earn a player's loyalty in FUT by playing 10 or more games with him

    37.79% (156.00)
  • Apply your first Chemistry Style consumable in FUT

    37.57% (157.00)
  • Challenge the Team of the Week in FUT

    38.13% (155.00)
  • Open 20 packs in FUT

    36.07% (163.00)
  • Win a division title in FUT Seasons

    25.16% (234.00)
  • Complete all Manager Tasks in FUT

    31.44% (187.00)
  • Change your captain in FUT

    19.90% (296.00)
  • Apply a 99 Match Player Contract from the Catalogue to any player in FUT

    20.30% (290.00)
  • Send a Scout on an Area Scouting mission.

    39.82% (148.00)
  • Scout and find a player with any combination of 3 Global Transfer Network attributes in Career

    15.28% (386.00)
  • Win a trophy as a Team Manager in Career

    28.47% (207.00)
  • Change your formation from the Team Management tile in Squad during your Career

    19.25% (306.00)
  • Open up your inbox while advancing in Career

    41.28% (143.00)
  • Be featured in the team of the week in your Career as a Player

    24.43% (241.00)
  • Start a Co-op Season with a Friend

    19.40% (304.00)
  • Earn Promotion in Seasons

    30.85% (191.00)
  • Play a Drop-In Match in Pro Clubs

    22.59% (261.00)
  • Earn a trophy in Seasons

    30.10% (196.00)
  • Finish a season in Online Friendlies

    25.49% (231.00)
  • Unlock 15% of the Pro Accomplishments in Pro Clubs

    14.24% (414.00)
  • Win your first seasons match in Pro Clubs

    15.25% (386.00)
  • Complete a Match Day Challenge in Highlights of the Week on at least World Class difficulty

    4.70% (1254.00)
  • Play a Game of the Week in Highlights of the Week

    9.20% (641.00)
  • Complete a Be a Pro Challenge on any difficulty in Highlights of the Week

    5.98% (985.00)
  • Follow a Football Club Recommendation

    42.31% (139.00)
  • Gift a Football Club Catalogue item to a Friend

    22.29% (264.00)
  • Beat a Friend’s score in Skill Games

    37.24% (158.00)
  • Redeem an item from the Football Club Catalogue

    53.14% (111.00)
  • Reach EA SPORTS Football Club Level 15

    59.98% (98.00)