• 2,591,115 Trophies Earned
  • 240,098 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Trophies
  • 39,477 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 1,199 Platinum Club
  • 1,198 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies (excluding additional content trophies)

    0.50% (15379.00)
  • Complete VOLTA Story

    13.17% (584.00)
  • Max your Avatar's Overall rating in VOLTA FOOTBALL

    0.59% (13033.00)
  • Collect 5 Legends in VOLTA FOOTBALL

    8.22% (935.00)
  • Score a goal from a Free Kick

    72.43% (106.00)
  • Complete all Multiplayer Skill Games

    3.71% (2073.00)
  • Win a penalty shoot-out without missing

    33.05% (233.00)
  • Score an Open Play Goal after Timing your Shot Perfectly

    36.82% (209.00)
  • Win a game in FUT Squad Battles

    64.34% (120.00)
  • Customize your Stadium by acquiring and equipping a TIFO or a Stadium Theme in FIFA Ultimate Team

    58.63% (131.00)
  • Play a game using any House Rule in FUT Friendlies

    40.10% (192.00)
  • Play a game in Division 4 or higher in FUT Division Rivals

    8.26% (931.00)
  • Reach 200 club appearances with a player in FIFA Ultimate Team

    24.13% (319.00)
  • Achieve a Gold 3 Rank in FUT Squad Battles

    42.97% (179.00)
  • Create your own custom tactic in FIFA Ultimate Team

    44.50% (173.00)
  • Achieve your first qualification for FUT Champions Weekend League

    28.51% (270.00)
  • Complete 10 Squad Building Challenges in FIFA Ultimate Team

    41.04% (187.00)
  • Claim an Objective Group Reward in FIFA Ultimate Team

    72.29% (106.00)
  • Claim a Seasonal Reward in FIFA Ultimate Team

    63.17% (122.00)
  • Achieve a Tier 3 or better in FUT Division Rivals

    44.28% (174.00)
  • Play 3 VOLTA FOOTBALL Kick-Off Matches using Different Team Formations

    23.92% (321.00)
  • Win a "Mystery Ball" or "King of the Hill" match

    16.92% (454.00)
  • Unlock all traits in one skill-tree path

    44.37% (173.00)
  • Complete and win your first Pro Club Seasons league match

    40.83% (188.00)
  • Play and Complete a Cup House Rules Match in Pro Clubs

    25.55% (301.00)
  • Unlock a Specialty in Pro Clubs

    39.53% (195.00)
  • Attend both a Pre-Match and a Post-Match Press Conference

    50.03% (154.00)
  • Select a response from every existing category during Press Conferences

    41.66% (185.00)
  • Wear three different outfits to three different matches

    7.18% (1071.00)
  • Win the UEFA Champions League Final

    51.00% (151.00)
  • Win the UEFA Europa League Final

    20.52% (375.00)
  • Play a women's football match

    16.98% (453.00)