• 686,818 Trophies Earned
  • 67,392 Players Tracked
  • 40 Total Trophies
  • 21,462 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 1,020 Platinum Club
  • 1,019 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies (excluding additional content trophies)

    1.51% (3727.00)
  • Reach 90 OVR with your Avatar in VOLTA FOOTBALL

    9.58% (588.00)
  • Win a VOLTA SQUADS match with 3 friends

    15.45% (364.00)
  • Change an item in the "Outfits" tab

    23.35% (241.00)
  • Unlock 50 different vanity items

    6.49% (867.00)
  • Purchase an item in the VOLTA Shop

    15.99% (352.00)
  • Reach Level 7 in a Season in VOLTA FOOTBALL or Pro Clubs

    16.79% (335.00)
  • Purchase a shareable item in the VOLTA Shop

    13.45% (418.00)
  • Score a goal from a Free Kick

    56.84% (99.00)
  • Win a penalty shoot-out without missing

    32.97% (171.00)
  • Complete all Main Menu Skill Games

    2.53% (2225.00)
  • Score a goal using the power shot mechanic

    75.44% (75.00)
  • Play/Win a match with the competitive settings turned on during any offline mode

    16.24% (347.00)
  • Complete 10 Squad Building Challenges in FIFA Ultimate Team

    56.99% (99.00)
  • Build a squad with 33 Chemistry Points in FIFA Ultimate Team

    55.12% (102.00)
  • Create your own custom tactic in FIFA Ultimate Team

    53.23% (106.00)
  • Play a game using any House Rule in FUT Friendlies

    32.34% (174.00)
  • Keep 10 clean sheets in FUT Squad Battles

    29.45% (191.00)
  • Win 10 Co-Op games with online friends in FUT Squad Battles or FUT Division Rivals

    14.59% (386.00)
  • Complete 1 FUT Moment

    46.43% (121.00)
  • Earn 100 Stars in FUT Moments

    11.30% (498.00)
  • Reach Milestone 3 in a FUT Division Rivals Season

    21.72% (259.00)
  • Earn enough FUT Champions Qualification Points to qualify for FUT Champions Play-Offs

    56.14% (100.00)
  • Play at least a match with 3 different goal songs in FIFA Ultimate Team

    10.18% (553.00)
  • Reach 200 club appearances with a player in FIFA Ultimate Team

    40.36% (139.00)
  • Unlock all the traits within a skill-tree in Pro Clubs

    16.23% (347.00)
  • Complete and win your first Pro Club Seasons league match

    25.71% (219.00)
  • Play and Complete a Cup House Rules Match in Pro Clubs

    7.05% (798.00)
  • Unlock an Archetype in Pro Clubs

    23.02% (244.00)
  • Receive an A grade in a Pro Clubs Skill Game

    20.01% (281.00)
  • Have a personality trait being over 75% dominant

    1.70% (3311.00)
  • Reach 40% Personality Points in two personalities of your choice

    29.00% (194.00)
  • Win a tournament with a team from the Women's League

    3.21% (1753.00)
  • Complete 10 or more activities during a season

    29.75% (189.00)
  • Complete a season with a real manager and his original team

    11.27% (499.00)
  • Get an "A" rating for a transfer negotiation

    35.83% (157.00)
  • Complete 10 enhanced objectives across all matches

    23.60% (238.00)
  • Win the UEFA Champions League Final

    33.65% (167.00)
  • Play 5 H2H matches with a friend in Kick Off

    26.99% (209.00)
  • Play a women's international football match

    17.64% (319.00)