• 48,992 Trophies Earned
  • 13,644 Players Tracked
  • 27 Total Trophies
  • 32,406 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 98 Platinum Club
  • 98 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies.

    0.72% (4180.00)
  • Win by hacking the laptop in a Solo or Public match.

    58.13% (52.00)
  • Win a Public CO-OP Training match with all of your teammates alive.

    16.28% (185.00)
  • As a Defender, win a Public Contracts match by killing all 4 members of the attacking team while your entire team is dead.

    2.99% (1007.00)
  • In a Solo or Public match, breach an enemy blocked door with C4.

    2.92% (1031.00)
  • In a Public Contracts match, kill a player with their own C4 by shooting it.

    1.96% (1536.00)
  • In Public matches, get 200 player revives using the Revive Pistol.

    1.61% (1869.00)
  • Win 20 Public CO-OP matches.

    2.68% (1123.00)
  • In a Public Contracts match, kill your first enemy player.

    42.44% (71.00)
  • Get 4 confirmed kills in one Public Contracts match.

    9.27% (325.00)
  • Win a Public Contracts match as the only surviving player on your team.

    15.46% (195.00)
  • In a Public Contracts match, revive a friendly player then kill the enemy player that downed them.

    14.04% (214.00)
  • In a Public Contracts match, get a longshot kill with a pistol.

    1.09% (2761.00)
  • In a Public Contracts match, kill an enemy while they are reviving a downed teammate.

    6.15% (489.00)
  • Complete the tutorial.

    90.81% (33.00)
  • Kill 100 A.I. in Solo or CO-OP Training matches.

    26.24% (115.00)
  • Purchase every weapon in the game.

    1.32% (2280.00)
  • Purchase all attachments and equipment in the game.

    1.39% (2165.00)
  • Win a Public Contracts match without losing a single teammate.

    30.75% (98.00)
  • In Solo or Public matches, steal 15 pieces of Intel.

    3.97% (758.00)
  • In Solo or Public matches, steal 50 pieces of Intel.

    2.16% (1393.00)
  • In Solo or Public matches, steal 100 pieces of Intel.

    1.48% (2034.00)
  • Get 50 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.

    2.57% (1171.00)
  • Get 100 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.

    1.82% (1654.00)
  • Get 500 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.

    0.96% (3135.00)
  • In a Public Contracts match, shoot and kill an enemy you can't see.

    18.61% (162.00)
  • Win 100 Solo matches.

    1.27% (2370.00)