• 29,787 Trophies Earned
  • 1,573 Players Tracked
  • 30 Total Trophies
  • 1,268 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 799 Platinum Club
  • 799 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all of the other trophies

    50.54% (58.00)
  • Watch a Kill Cam replay

    98.98% (1.00)
  • Complete both Tutorials

    84.55% (1.00)
  • Complete the first Campaign mission.

    84.68% (1.00)
  • Complete Nashar: Extraction with both bodyguards alive

    73.62% (40.00)
  • In the Campaign extract all of the collectables in any Extraction mission

    56.39% (52.00)
  • Make a kill with the Devastator unit

    52.00% (56.00)
  • Make a kill with the Commando unit

    51.43% (57.00)
  • Get a Silver rank on any Campaign mission

    84.30% (1.00)
  • Get a Gold rank on any Campaign mission

    80.61% (1.00)
  • Complete the campaign

    51.18% (57.00)
  • Win a multiplayer match

    58.55% (50.00)
  • Win a multiplayer match without losing a single unit

    57.28% (51.00)
  • Kill 25 enemy units in Multiplayer

    56.77% (52.00)
  • Kill 50 enemy units in multiplayer

    56.39% (52.00)
  • Kill 100 enemy units in Multiplayer

    55.94% (52.00)
  • Play every game mode at least once

    56.26% (52.00)
  • Get 20 kills with the Machine Gun unit

    68.60% (43.00)
  • Get 20 kills with the Shotgun unit

    59.82% (49.00)
  • Get 20 kills with the Sniper unit

    56.96% (51.00)
  • Get 20 kills with the Rocket Launcher unit

    56.77% (52.00)
  • Get 20 kills with the Grenade Launcher unit

    54.93% (53.00)
  • Win your first Instant Skirmish match

    60.65% (48.00)
  • Win an Instant Skirmish match in 1 turn

    56.20% (52.00)
  • Kill 3 enemy units with 1 explosion

    58.80% (50.00)
  • In a match kill 3 enemy units with 1 Sniper unit

    59.06% (50.00)
  • Kill an enemy unit by bouncing a grenade off a wall

    62.11% (47.00)
  • Have 3 or more enemy units visible in a match with visibilty set to 'Dark'

    58.49% (50.00)
  • With 1 unit wipe out an entire enemy team of 4 or more units

    63.51% (46.00)
  • Play the game at either 11:11 am or 11:11 pm

    68.28% (43.00)