• 6,076 Trophies Earned
  • 295 Players Tracked
  • 36 Total Trophies
  • 3,441 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 65 Platinum Club
  • 65 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all trophies.

    22.03% (209.00)
  • Capture an enemy that's not a miniboss. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    98.31% (47.00)
  • Capture a miniboss. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    88.14% (52.00)
  • Have a capture call repelled by a miniboss. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    77.97% (59.00)
  • Complete 25% of the Capture Gallery.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    69.83% (66.00)
  • Complete 50% of the Capture Gallery.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    47.46% (97.00)
  • Complete 75% of the Capture Gallery.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    29.49% (156.00)
  • Complete 100% of the Capture Gallery.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    24.41% (188.00)
  • Capture all common enemies.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    24.41% (188.00)
  • Capture First Captain, the miniboss of Zone α (A).Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    77.97% (59.00)
  • Capture Queen's Child, the miniboss of Zone γ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    64.07% (72.00)
  • Capture Reverse Direction, the miniboss of Zones δ, ε, and ζ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    75.59% (61.00)
  • Capture Gray Stripe, the miniboss of Zones η and θ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    62.03% (74.00)
  • Capture Tail Blade, the miniboss of Zones ι and κ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    46.78% (98.00)
  • Capture Un Guardian, the miniboss of Zones λ and ο.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    52.54% (87.00)
  • Capture Hard Armament, the miniboss of Zones μ and ξ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    41.02% (112.00)
  • Capture Dream Tender, the miniboss of Zone ν.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    43.39% (106.00)
  • Successfully input commands for a miniboss. Easy Command not allowed.Quick Load allowed.2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    81.69% (56.00)
  • Capture all minibosses.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    32.54% (141.00)
  • Activate an α Beam.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    77.63% (59.00)
  • Use an α Beam to finish off a boss.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    67.12% (68.00)
  • Successfully fire a Counter Beam (Single).Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    64.75% (71.00)
  • Successfully fire a Counter Beam (Double).Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    58.98% (78.00)
  • Successfully fire a Counter Beam (Triple).Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    55.59% (83.00)
  • Successfully fire a Counter Beam (Four-Fold).Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    48.81% (94.00)
  • Clear Zone α.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    96.27% (48.00)
  • Clear Zone β or Zone γ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    84.75% (54.00)
  • Clear Zone δ, Zone ε, or Zone ζ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    73.22% (63.00)
  • Clear Zone η, Zone θ, Zone ι, or Zone κ.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    66.78% (69.00)
  • Clear Zone λ, Zone μ, Zone ν, Zone ξ, or Zone ο.Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    62.71% (73.00)
  • Obtain a Blue-Item and advance arm to hyper. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    38.98% (118.00)
  • Obtain a Red-Item and maximize shot power. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    43.05% (107.00)
  • Obtain a Green-Item and maximize bomb power. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    54.92% (84.00)
  • Obtain a 1UP Item. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    55.59% (83.00)
  • Encounter Yazuka Takami during a boss battle. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    25.08% (183.00)
  • Obtain a score of more than 20 million. Quick Load allowed. Options modifications allowed. 2-Player co-op allowed. Continues allowed. No difficulty level specified.Only available in G Darius Ver.1.Not available in Training Mode.

    25.76% (178.00)