• 891,723 Achievements Earned
  • 62,776 Players Tracked
  • 35 Total Achievements
  • 13,199 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,716 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Fun fact: We almost named our company Megaflop Productions!

    14.82% (486.00)
  • Create a game with a good topic/genre combination.

    98.85% (73.00)
  • Set a new standard for the early gaming industry.

    76.56% (94.00)
  • Invest over 100K in a new game engine.

    89.78% (80.00)
  • Invest over 500K in a new game engine.

    66.30% (109.00)
  • Invest over one million in a new game engine.

    55.46% (130.00)
  • Sell half a million copies of a game without the help of a publisher.

    75.50% (95.00)
  • Sell one million copies of a game without the help of a publisher.

    62.86% (115.00)
  • Sell ten million copies of a game without the help of a publisher.

    43.85% (164.00)
  • Sell one hundred million copies of a game without the help of a publisher.

    13.32% (541.00)
  • Reach level 5 with a character.

    76.07% (95.00)
  • Reach level 10 with a character.

    32.49% (222.00)
  • Have male and female staff.

    74.42% (97.00)
  • Hire someone famous.

    78.57% (92.00)
  • Have the maximum number of employees.

    54.49% (132.00)
  • Finish Game Dev Tycoon.

    42.79% (168.00)
  • Release a game with a clean score of 10.

    37.02% (195.00)
  • Get a reviewer to give you a 11/10 rating.

    15.33% (470.00)
  • Find at least one of the easter eggs in the game.

    24.21% (298.00)
  • Activate the hidden treasure in the garage.

    19.10% (377.00)
  • Little known fact: Cats go all aggro in space.

    11.71% (616.00)
  • How did I get here? Why is there a chainsaw? Who cares!

    13.55% (532.00)
  • Workplace safety anyone?

    10.44% (691.00)
  • Patients are reminded not to die in the corridors.

    9.89% (729.00)
  • This world is round but different.

    11.31% (637.00)
  • Welcome back Chris. We've missed you.

    9.69% (744.00)
  • Pay homage to a specific Japanese video game.

    9.57% (753.00)
  • Develop the game within the game.

    31.48% (229.00)
  • Fan

    Pick an inspired company name.

    25.98% (278.00)
  • Release a successful game in each of the five main genres.

    53.76% (134.00)
  • Show them red barrels some action.

    26.57% (271.00)
  • Support a young start-up. Buy the game.

    99.69% (72.00)
  • Naming games is sometimes difficult.

    45.74% (158.00)
  • Reach level 2 in pirate mode.

    5.85% (1232.00)
  • Beat all odds and finish the game in pirate mode.

    3.45% (2090.00)