• 49,193 Achievements Earned
  • 904 Players Tracked
  • 61 Total Achievements
  • 450 Obtainable EXP
  • 691 100% Club
Earned Date
  • !

    Run the game.

    99.78% (7.00)
  • #

    Let your horse die.

    98.45% (7.00)
  • $

    Get multiplier 10 or higher.

    98.34% (7.00)
  • %

    Get score 50 or higher.

    96.90% (7.00)
  • &

    Get score 100 or higher.

    95.58% (7.00)
  • (

    Get score 150 or higher.

    94.47% (7.00)
  • )

    Get score 200 or higher.

    93.58% (7.00)
  • ,

    Get score 250 or higher.

    92.81% (7.00)
  • '

    Get score 300 or higher.

    91.48% (7.00)
  • -

    Get score 350 or higher.

    90.82% (7.00)
  • ;

    Get score 400 or higher.

    89.71% (7.00)
  • @

    Get score 450 or higher.

    88.61% (7.00)
  • [

    Get score 500 or higher.

    87.83% (7.00)
  • ]

    Get score 550 or higher.

    86.95% (7.00)
  • ^

    Get score 600 or higher.

    85.95% (8.00)
  • Get score 650 or higher.

    85.18% (8.00)
  • }

    Get score 700 or higher.

    84.18% (8.00)
  • +

    Get score 750 or higher.

    83.19% (8.00)
  • =

    Get score 800 or higher.

    82.08% (8.00)
  • Nil

    Get score 850 or higher.

    81.64% (8.00)
  • 1

    Get score 875 or higher.

    81.08% (8.00)
  • 2

    Get score 900 or higher.

    80.75% (8.00)
  • 3

    Get score 925 or higher.

    80.31% (8.00)
  • 4

    Get score 950 or higher.

    79.87% (8.00)
  • 5

    Get score 975 or higher.

    79.65% (8.00)
  • 6

    Get score 1000 or higher.

    79.65% (8.00)
  • 7

    Get multiplier 5 or higher.

    98.12% (7.00)
  • 8

    Get multiplier 15 or higher.

    97.35% (7.00)
  • 9

    Get multiplier 20 or higher.

    96.57% (7.00)
  • A

    Get multiplier 25 or higher.

    95.46% (7.00)
  • *

    Get multiplier 30 or higher.

    93.69% (7.00)
  • B

    Get multiplier 35 or higher.

    92.26% (7.00)
  • C

    Get multiplier 45 or higher.

    86.84% (7.00)
  • :

    Get multiplier 50 or higher.

    83.30% (8.00)
  • D

    Get multiplier 55 or higher.

    81.53% (8.00)
  • E

    Get multiplier 60 or higher.

    79.98% (8.00)
  • F

    Catch the kumis (1x).

    97.90% (7.00)
  • G

    Use the bomb.

    94.69% (7.00)
  • H

    Pick up the cookie (1x).

    97.57% (7.00)
  • I

    Pick up the cookie (2x).

    97.46% (7.00)
  • J

    Pick up the cookie (3x).

    97.12% (7.00)
  • K

    Pick up the cookie (4x).

    96.46% (7.00)
  • L

    Pick up the cookie (5x).

    96.02% (7.00)
  • <

    Pick up the cookie (6x).

    94.91% (7.00)
  • M

    Pick up the cookie (7x).

    94.69% (7.00)
  • N

    Pick up the cookie (8x).

    94.03% (7.00)
  • O

    Pick up the cookie (9x).

    93.58% (7.00)
  • P

    Pick up the cookie (10x).

    92.48% (7.00)
  • .

    Pick up the cookie (11x).

    91.59% (7.00)
  • Q

    Pick up the cookie (12x).

    90.60% (7.00)
  • ?

    Pick up the cookie (13x).

    89.16% (7.00)
  • R

    Pick up the cookie (14x).

    88.61% (7.00)
  • >

    Pick up the cookie (15x).

    86.84% (7.00)
  • S

    Pick up the cookie (16x).

    86.28% (8.00)
  • T

    Pick up the cookie (17x).

    85.07% (8.00)
  • U

    Pick up the cookie (18x).

    83.41% (8.00)
  • V

    Pick up the cookie (19x).

    81.64% (8.00)
  • W

    Pick up the cookie (20x).

    80.75% (8.00)
  • X

    Pick up the cookie (21x).

    79.87% (8.00)
  • Y

    Pick up the cookie (22x).

    79.09% (8.00)
  • Z

    Pick up the cookie (23x).

    77.99% (8.00)