• 167,143 Trophies Earned
  • 32,336 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Trophies
  • 2,084 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 10,851 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Completed the game.

    98.61% (11.00)
  • Completed the game having found all 23 of Sam's journal entries.

    45.81% (228.00)
  • Found Mitten's secret diary.

    49.31% (212.00)
  • Completed the game in less than 1 minute with no Modifiers enabled. (From New Game in a single session only)

    39.35% (265.00)
  • Completed the game having found all 24 journal entries, with no Modifiers enabled, in less than 10 minutes. (From New Game in a single session only)

    35.52% (294.00)
  • Activated all Commentary Nodes with the Developer Commentary Modifier enabled.

    37.96% (275.00)
  • Returned Christmas Duck to his rightful place.

    52.35% (199.00)
  • Turn on every faucet in the house at once.

    48.72% (214.00)
  • Guess the combination to Oscar's safe before finding the code.

    59.98% (174.00)
  • Open the secret bookshelf in the guest room from the outside.

    49.28% (212.00)