• 17,766 Trophies Earned
  • 1,896 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 905 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 1,145 Platinum Club
  • 1,143 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies.

    60.55% (154.00)
  • Complete Chapter One.

    100.00% (8.00)
  • Complete Chapter Two.

    97.94% (8.00)
  • Complete Chapter Three.

    90.45% (9.00)
  • Complete Chapter Four.

    85.44% (9.00)
  • Complete Chapter Five.

    83.76% (9.00)
  • Set the clock tower to the right wrong time.

    70.52% (132.00)
  • Complete the falling rock puzzle on the first try.

    68.30% (136.00)
  • Finish the game.

    83.70% (9.00)
  • Complete the game in under 500 moves.

    61.39% (152.00)
  • Complete the game in under 30 minutes.

    61.29% (152.00)
  • Complete the original 2012 demo.

    73.31% (127.00)