• 102,141 Trophies Earned
  • 8,539 Players Tracked
  • 18 Total Trophies
  • 1,126 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 4,627 Platinum Club
  • 4,625 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all trophies

    54.19% (84.00)
  • Red

    A color has been brought back

    100.00% (3.00)
  • First stage

    63.70% (71.00)
  • A color has been brought back

    89.89% (3.00)
  • Second stage

    59.35% (76.00)
  • Avoid the storm

    60.15% (75.00)
  • Break the stone piles

    59.93% (76.00)
  • A color has been brought back

    82.88% (3.00)
  • Third stage

    59.29% (76.00)
  • Feed the forest friend

    62.20% (73.00)
  • A color has been brought back

    78.23% (58.00)
  • Fourth stage

    61.00% (74.00)
  • Eel

    Avoid eel bites

    58.14% (78.00)
  • Fifth stage

    67.08% (68.00)
  • Sing to the magic fowls

    55.83% (81.00)
  • Finish the game

    74.86% (61.00)
  • Find all of the mementos

    54.62% (83.00)
  • Memories from the past

    54.61% (83.00)