• 0 Achievements Earned
  • 0 Players Tracked
  • 27 Total Achievements
  • 0 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Embarked on the quest to GUARD the TOWER!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've dipped your toes into tower defense with 5 plays of "Guard the Tower!"

    0.00% (0.00)
  • With over 20 games played, you're starting to build some serious tower defense skills.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've racked up over 50 gameplays! The tower isn't just guarded; it's practically encased in steel.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Over 100 playthroughs and still going strong! You're the undisputed ruler of tower defense.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've become quite the real estate mogul, selling off over 25 towers. Sometimes you have to let go to grow!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • With 25 towers personally upgraded, you're the go-to wizard for fortification finesse.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Congratulations on completing the campaign on normal difficulty! You're a tower defense prodigy.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've braved the storm and conquered the campaign on hard difficulty. The towers salute you!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've emerged victorious from the depths of insanity! Campaign completed on insane difficulty. You're a legend among tower defenders.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've recruited over 100 wizards, assembling a formidable magical army to defend the tower.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've recruited over 1000 wizards, cementing your legacy as the supreme leader of magical defense.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Met your fate 25 times, but your spirit remains unbroken.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • You've weathered the storm 25 times! Your wizardry endures against the darkest of onslaughts.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • 100 monsters vanquished! Your magical prowess knows no bounds.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Dispatched 1000 monsters with your arcane might. The forces of darkness tremble before you!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Crushed 10,000 monsters with your ethereal power. Even the undead fear your wrath!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Toppled 100,000 monsters with your spellbinding abilities. You're a living legend among wizards!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Withstood 50 monstrous assaults! Your resilience is unmatched in the realm of magic.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Withstood 100 relentless assaults! Your defense of the tower is a testament to your eternal vigilance!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Discovered the elusive code hidden within the game, opening a path to untold wonders.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Embraced the afterlife 50 times and returned, your determination unyielding.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Claimed 100 gold coins, leaving a trail of riches in your wake.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Accumulated 250 gold coins, your coffers overflowing with the spoils of victory.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Gathered 500 gold coins, your mastery over wealth elevating you to noble status.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Completed a level on every difficulty, your dedication shines brightly!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Conquered every level on every difficulty. Your mastery of magic and strategy is unparalleled!

    0.00% (0.00)