• 308,929 Trophies Earned
  • 24,314 Players Tracked
  • 50 Total Trophies
  • 20,125 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 412 Platinum Club
  • 410 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all Guitar Hero Live trophies.

    1.69% (2295.00)
  • Complete 3 songs in Quickplay.

    62.63% (62.00)
  • Finish every song of a single set with a positive crowd in GH Live.

    87.95% (44.00)
  • Complete a set in GH Live.

    94.35% (41.00)
  • Play GHTV for 10 hours.

    15.08% (257.00)
  • Score 100,000,000 points in GHTV.

    5.27% (736.00)
  • Acquire a Player Card in GHTV.

    63.92% (61.00)
  • Get 1,000 stars in GHTV by playing songs.

    11.64% (333.00)
  • Score 20,000,000 points in Quickplay.

    3.78% (1026.00)
  • Watch the credits. Twice. To completion.

    10.90% (356.00)
  • Play any On Demand song in GHTV with Lefty Flip turned on and get 3 Stars.

    13.07% (297.00)
  • Get a Full Combo in a song in GHTV.

    34.39% (113.00)
  • Get 100% in two songs in Quickplay on Regular difficulty.

    11.07% (350.00)
  • Get to Level 20 in GHTV.

    8.28% (468.00)
  • Use 100 Plays in GHTV.

    8.09% (479.00)
  • Switch the crowd from negative to positive in the last ten seconds of a song in GH Live.

    75.44% (51.00)
  • Finish every song in Quickplay or GH Live on any difficulty with 5 stars.

    10.93% (355.00)
  • Get 150 stars in GHTV by playing songs.

    37.87% (102.00)
  • Hit each type of note in a single song in GHTV.

    48.87% (79.00)
  • Play with 8 different bands in GH Live.

    56.65% (68.00)
  • Get 100% in 4 songs on Expert difficulty in GH Live.

    2.68% (1447.00)
  • Acquire 4 Player Cards in GHTV.

    25.08% (155.00)
  • Log in to GHTV 5 days in a row.

    18.29% (212.00)
  • Finish in the top 5 of 18 consecutive On Demand songs in GHTV.

    8.74% (444.00)
  • Complete the GH Live tutorial.

    100.00% (39.00)
  • Score over 30,000 points in 50 songs in GHTV.

    31.44% (123.00)
  • Connect to GHTV 10 days in a row.

    9.37% (414.00)
  • Use a Hero Power 6 times during a song in GHTV.

    5.86% (662.00)
  • Use Hero Powers 1,000 times in GHTV.

    4.18% (928.00)
  • Unlock and watch all of the band profile videos in both festival galleries in GH Live.

    8.69% (446.00)
  • Equip 5 different Highways in GHTV.

    26.82% (145.00)
  • Get 50 stars in GHTV by playing songs on Expert difficulty.

    11.33% (342.00)
  • Fully upgrade a skill on your guitar in GHTV.

    10.95% (354.00)
  • Play GHTV for 60 minutes without changing the channel.

    16.39% (237.00)
  • Score over 500,000 points in a song in GHTV.

    8.10% (479.00)
  • Get 5 Stars in 50 songs in GHTV on any difficulty.

    16.44% (236.00)
  • Place 3rd or above 30 times in the free GHTV channels.

    21.06% (184.00)
  • Score 420,000 points or more in a song without using a Hero Power in GHTV.

    8.62% (450.00)
  • Get a total of 25 Stars in 5 consecutive songs on free GHTV channels.

    20.02% (194.00)
  • Use 5 unique Hero Powers in GHTV.

    10.38% (374.00)
  • Give an "Awesome" performance in all sets in GH Live on Regular difficulty or harder.

    8.88% (437.00)
  • Get a 50 note streak 50 times while playing GHTV.

    39.95% (97.00)
  • Complete all of the Rock the Block stages in GH Live on any difficulty.

    43.74% (89.00)
  • Complete all of the SoundDial stages in GH Live on any difficulty.

    49.48% (78.00)
  • Complete 7 sets in GH Live, each with an overall "Awesome" rating, on any difficulty.

    36.34% (107.00)
  • Complete all of GH Live on any difficulty.

    43.74% (89.00)
  • Day

    Play GHTV for 24 hours.

    7.11% (546.00)
  • Score 50,000,000 points in GHTV.

    8.17% (475.00)
  • Strum 1,000,000 times in GHTV.

    2.13% (1821.00)
  • Earn a 1,000 note streak in GHTV.

    4.09% (948.00)