• 57,632 Trophies Earned
  • 4,645 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 52 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 3,798 Platinum Club
  • 3,774 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies.

    81.77% (4.00)
  • Successfully complete easy mode.

    99.72% (4.00)
  • Successfully complete medium mode.

    97.74% (4.00)
  • Successfully complete hard mode.

    95.50% (4.00)
  • Successfully complete expert mode.

    81.81% (4.00)
  • Find the pumpkin.

    100.00% (4.00)
  • Find the witch hat.

    100.00% (4.00)
  • Find the ghost.

    98.79% (4.00)
  • Find the skull.

    98.75% (4.00)
  • Bat

    Find the bat.

    98.75% (4.00)
  • Mop

    Find the mop.

    96.92% (4.00)
  • Find the bone.

    97.05% (4.00)
  • Owl

    Find the owl.

    92.98% (4.00)