• 421,448 Trophies Earned
  • 34,582 Players Tracked
  • 54 Total Trophies
  • 13,902 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,485 Points
  • 2,402 Platinum Club
  • 837 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies.

    6.95% (400.00)
  • Open your first Blind Box.

    100.00% (28.00)
  • Open a total of 10 Blind Boxes.

    36.34% (77.00)
  • Open a total of 50 Blind Boxes.

    16.67% (167.00)
  • Open a total of 100 Blind Boxes.

    11.66% (238.00)
  • Complete the tutorial.

    95.74% (29.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of one Common vehicle.

    29.75% (93.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of 10 Common vehicles.

    11.97% (232.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of one Rare vehicle.

    26.69% (104.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of 15 Rare vehicles.

    9.09% (306.00)
  • Get a total of 10,000 Coins.

    28.32% (98.00)
  • Get a total of 50,000 Coins.

    11.40% (244.00)
  • Get a total of 100,000 Coins.

    8.36% (333.00)
  • Get a total of 2,500 Gears.

    18.64% (149.00)
  • Get a total of 10,000 Gears.

    9.28% (300.00)
  • Get a total of 25,000 Gears.

    7.47% (372.00)
  • Complete a race in Split Screen mode.

    21.43% (130.00)
  • Make a purchase in the Shop.

    48.37% (57.00)
  • Meet the requirements of a Secret Event.

    18.41% (151.00)
  • Meet the requirements of all the Secret Events.

    11.57% (240.00)
  • Complete the Unleashed Goal of one Event.

    61.74% (45.00)
  • Complete the Unleashed Goal of all the Events.

    8.14% (342.00)
  • Win a Boss Race.

    29.88% (93.00)
  • Win all the Boss Races.

    13.61% (204.00)
  • Validate a Track in Track Builder mode.

    15.98% (174.00)
  • Validate a total of 5 Tracks in Track Builder mode.

    9.70% (287.00)
  • Unlock a Secret Rarity vehicle.

    13.61% (204.00)
  • Unlock all Secret Rarity vehicles.

    8.14% (342.00)
  • Win a Quick Race with AI Difficulty set to Hard (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    10.64% (261.00)
  • Reach the podium in a total of 10 Quick Races (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    36.00% (77.00)
  • Reach the podium in a total of 30 Quick Races (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    20.77% (134.00)
  • Reach the podium in a total of 50 Quick Races (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    14.72% (189.00)
  • Reach the podium in a total of 100 Quick Races (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    8.83% (315.00)
  • Win a Quick Race on any track in the Basement (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    64.32% (43.00)
  • Win a Quick Race on any track in the Garage (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    43.43% (64.00)
  • Win a Quick Race on any track in the College Campus (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    39.29% (71.00)
  • Win a Quick Race on any track in the Skyscraper (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    35.37% (79.00)
  • Win a Quick Race on any track in the Skatepark (not unlockable in Split Screen mode).

    75.54% (37.00)
  • Use the Boost for a total of 10 minutes.

    32.60% (85.00)
  • Use the Boost for a total of 30 minutes.

    20.21% (138.00)
  • Use the Boost for a total of 60 minutes.

    13.65% (204.00)
  • Complete a Quick Race in Multiplayer mode.

    30.44% (91.00)
  • Reach the podium in a total of 3 Quick Races in Multiplayer mode.

    17.87% (156.00)
  • Win a total of 5 Quick Races in Multiplayer mode.

    12.27% (227.00)
  • Drift for a total of 500,000 centimeters (196,850 inches).

    14.80% (188.00)

HOT WHEELS™ - Batman Expansion DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win a Quick Race on a track in the Batcave (not unlockable in Split Screen).

    4.36% (638.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of one common vehicle of the HOT WHEELS™ - Batman Expansion.

    5.22% (533.00)
  • Complete the Unleashed Goal of one Event of the HOT WHEELS™ - Batman Expansion.

    6.27% (443.00)

HOT WHEELS™ - Monster Trucks Expansion DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win a Quick Race on a track in the Stop Motion Studio (not unlockable in Split Screen).

    3.59% (774.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of a common vehicle of the HOT WHEELS™ - Monster Trucks Expansion.

    4.15% (670.00)
  • Complete the Unleashed Goal of an Event of the HOT WHEELS™ - Monster Trucks Expansion.

    4.30% (647.00)

HOT WHEELS™ - Looney Tunes Expansion DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win a Quick Race on a track in the Looney Tunes Adventure Park (not unlockable in Split Screen).

    3.17% (877.00)
  • Upgrade the Rarity of a common vehicle of the HOT WHEELS™ - Looney Tunes Expansion.

    3.55% (783.00)
  • Complete the Unleashed Goal of an Event of the HOT WHEELS™ - Looney Tunes Expansion.

    3.76% (739.00)