• 83,254 Trophies Earned
  • 3,921 Players Tracked
  • 49 Total Trophies
  • 3,814 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 771 Platinum Club
  • 770 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies (the use of cheats will disable all trophies).

    19.66% (155.00)
  • Acquire a crucifix to gain an extra life.

    88.04% (35.00)
  • Lucas was sent to the asylum.

    53.53% (57.00)
  • Lucas turned himself in.

    34.74% (88.00)
  • Carla turned in her gun and badge.

    34.25% (89.00)
  • Tyler left his job and headed to Florida with Samantha.

    29.41% (103.00)
  • Lucas escaped the murder scene on the subway.

    60.72% (50.00)
  • Carla found the knife in the bathroom and the blood outside the diner during "Investigation".

    49.15% (62.00)
  • Lucas convinced the officer not to search the bedroom after failing to cover the bloody sheets during "The Day After".

    36.62% (83.00)
  • Lucas saved the child during "Confession".

    83.75% (36.00)
  • Carla performed 5 "around-the-world" tricks with her yo-yo during "Police Work" without messing up the routine.

    41.29% (74.00)
  • Lucas ran from the dust mites and reached the elevator without missing any on-screen movements during "Alternate Reality".

    45.09% (67.00)
  • Kate created a very similar composite sketch of Lucas during "Tyler & Kate".

    42.57% (71.00)
  • Lucas's mental health was raised by 55 before Tiffany arrives during "Lost Love".

    30.45% (100.00)
  • Lucas convinced Tiffany to stay the night during "Lost Love".

    45.63% (67.00)
  • Lucas saved all three hiding boys before the timer expired during "Hide & Seek".

    50.52% (60.00)
  • Carla won a rematch against Tyler during "Friendly Combat".

    37.67% (81.00)
  • Carla found the Kirsten file without panicking during "Debriefing".

    65.98% (46.00)
  • Tyler found the book for Takeo but did not divulge his profession.

    49.55% (61.00)
  • Lucas passed Agatha's hypnosis session without failing during "Agatha".

    49.55% (61.00)
  • Carla lasted 100 seconds at the shooting range with at least 80% accuracy during "Questions & Bullets".

    29.61% (103.00)
  • Tyler made fun of Jeffrey and won the basketball game during "Double or Quits".

    40.65% (75.00)
  • Marcus pulled Lucas up from the balcony during "The Storm".

    60.06% (51.00)
  • Carla discovered the origin of the bookmark on the Web and went to the bank during "Dark Omen".

    38.82% (78.00)
  • Tyler discovered the origin of the bookmark after examining the newspaper and went to the bank during "Dark Omen".

    35.22% (86.00)
  • Lucas hid the evidence and didn't raise any suspicion during "Face Off".

    26.24% (116.00)
  • Lucas pried the birdcage open with a knife during "Back to Agatha".

    46.70% (65.00)
  • Carla linked The Tempest to two different pieces of evidence during "Happy Anniversary".

    24.84% (122.00)
  • Carla used the telephone list and the taxi list to implicate Lucas in the murder during "Happy Anniversary".

    23.72% (128.00)
  • Lucas escaped the police without failing an action sequence during "Confrontation".

    57.18% (53.00)
  • Lucas opened Tiffany's window without breaking the glass and didn't alert Tyler to his hiding spot during "The Fugitive".

    43.38% (70.00)
  • Carla reached the control room without panicking during "Janos".

    55.39% (55.00)
  • Dr. Kuriakin taught Lucas about Oracles before meeting his demise during "Meeting Kuriakin".

    51.39% (59.00)
  • Lucas saw the entire vision of the Oracle during "The Clan".

    54.99% (55.00)
  • Marcus survived during "Danger and Ubiquity".

    50.78% (60.00)
  • Carla didn't pull her weapon on Lucas and formed an alliance during "The Pact".

    51.11% (60.00)
  • Tyler quit the force and left for Florida after Carla lied to him during "Frozen to the Bone".

    34.43% (88.00)
  • Lucas escaped the Oracle and police helicopters without losing a life during "Where is Jade".

    33.36% (91.00)
  • Carla fixed the broken radio, but received some bad news during "Bogart".

    42.80% (71.00)
  • Lucas delivered Jade to the altar.

    51.03% (60.00)
  • The Cyborg Creature delivered Jade to the altar.

    33.54% (91.00)
  • The Oracle delivered Jade to the altar.

    33.56% (91.00)
  • Complete every chapter on Hard difficulty.

    20.68% (147.00)
  • Collect the bonus Tarot Card following the credits.

    49.94% (61.00)
  • Collect every Tarot Card.

    24.28% (125.00)
  • Unlock all of the Gallery art.

    43.28% (70.00)
  • Unlock every soundtrack.

    43.61% (70.00)
  • Unlock every movie.

    42.95% (71.00)
  • See all endings.

    31.57% (96.00)