• 178,493 Achievements Earned
  • 20,846 Players Tracked
  • 74 Total Achievements
  • 19,726 Obtainable EXP
  • 228 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Knock an opponent into the Memorial Station Arena Transition at 4:30

    4.00% (359.00)
  • Knock an opponent into the Empire Theatre Arena Transition at 8:00pm

    3.80% (378.00)
  • Throw 3 kegs during a match with Gorilla Grodd at the Ace o' Clubs

    5.52% (260.00)
  • Perform 3 background bounces on the Empire Theatre background

    19.39% (74.00)
  • Win 10 ranked matches

    1.88% (764.00)
  • Win 50 player matches

    2.09% (687.00)
  • Play 200 online matches

    1.84% (781.00)
  • Knock an opponent into an Arena Transition 25 times

    12.60% (114.00)
  • Have the final hit come from the crocodile in Slaughter Swamp

    7.28% (197.00)
  • Duck 10 times in a row during a match

    57.96% (25.00)
  • Complete 50% of Story mode

    47.72% (30.00)
  • Complete 100% of Story mode

    41.08% (35.00)
  • Complete Story mode after doing all alternate paths

    13.02% (110.00)
  • Vote correctly 10 times in King of the Hill

    1.82% (789.00)
  • Dethrone a King 5 times in King of the Hill

    1.75% (821.00)
  • Complete 25 Multiverse events

    13.85% (104.00)
  • Complete 100 Multiverse events

    5.45% (264.00)
  • Join a Guild

    22.81% (63.00)
  • Open 100 Mother Boxes

    20.12% (71.00)
  • Perform every Supermove

    5.45% (264.00)
  • Bane must defeat Batman with the final hit coming from a Meter Burn Bane Bomb

    4.71% (305.00)
  • Black Canary must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from a level 3 Canary Cry

    20.87% (69.00)
  • Catwoman must defeat Cheetah with the final hit coming from Cat Call

    1.81% (794.00)
  • Poison Ivy must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Kiss of Death

    6.36% (226.00)
  • Cheetah must defeat Wonder Woman with her Meter Burn Blood Lunge

    4.32% (333.00)
  • Atrocitus must defeat Green Lantern with the final hit coming from a Meter Burn Life Drain

    3.98% (361.00)
  • Swamp Thing must defeat Poison Ivy with the final hit coming from Green Kingdom

    5.63% (255.00)
  • Win a match as Deadshot without missing a shot (minimum 10 shots)

    7.88% (182.00)
  • Robin must defeat Batman with the final hit coming from a Meter Burn Assassin Strike

    4.66% (308.00)
  • Aquaman must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from The Beast Below

    25.81% (56.00)
  • Batman must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Cape Parry or Cape Counter

    12.32% (117.00)
  • Brainiac must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Beta Strike

    7.53% (191.00)
  • Captain Cold must defeat Flash with the final hit coming from Cryogenic Blast

    4.50% (319.00)
  • Flash must defeat Captain Cold with the final hit coming from Time Changer

    19.73% (73.00)
  • Gorilla Grodd must defeat Flash with the final hit coming from Mind Control

    4.75% (302.00)
  • Blue Beetle must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from a Meter Burn Mandible Strike

    5.69% (252.00)
  • Black Adam must win the match with the final hit coming from Orbs of Seth

    14.04% (102.00)
  • Cyborg must defeat Robin with the final hit coming from Apokolips

    5.19% (277.00)
  • Firestorm must defeat Captain Cold with the final hit coming from a Meter Burn Molten Trap

    3.97% (362.00)
  • Green Arrow must defeat Black Canary with the final hit coming from Target Practice

    5.76% (249.00)
  • Green Lantern must defeat Atrocitus with the final hit coming from Mechanized Assault

    14.98% (96.00)
  • Harley must defeat Joker with the final hit coming from Go Night Night

    3.97% (362.00)
  • Joker must defeat Batman with the final hit coming from Not So Funny Is It?

    6.40% (224.00)
  • Scarecrow must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Schizophrenia

    6.76% (213.00)
  • Supergirl must defeat Superman after connecting 20 Kryptonian Lasers

    5.22% (275.00)
  • Superman must defeat Green Lantern with the final hit coming from Final Flight

    9.71% (148.00)
  • Wonder Woman must win the match with the final hit coming from a Meter Burn Lasso of Truth

    8.60% (167.00)
  • Doctor Fate must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Amulet of Anubis

    12.19% (118.00)
  • Go 10 seconds of the match without being hit by your opponent

    99.85% (14.00)
  • View all character endings in the Battle Simulator

    2.59% (555.00)
  • Collect a total of 200 pieces of Common Gear, excluding shaders

    18.30% (79.00)
  • Collect a total of 100 pieces of Rare Gear, excluding shaders

    23.50% (61.00)
  • Collect a total of 50 pieces of Epic Gear, excluding shaders

    32.36% (44.00)
  • Sell a total of 250 pieces of gear

    8.43% (170.00)
  • Win 5 AI Battle Simulation matches

    7.01% (205.00)
  • Reach level 35 in Player XP

    15.45% (93.00)
  • Reach level 20 with all characters

    4.54% (316.00)
  • Beat an opponent online while they still have 90% health and you have 10% or less health remaining

    2.25% (639.00)
  • Harley must dethrone an opponent in King Of The Hill with the final hit coming from Double-Trouble

    1.77% (812.00)
  • Play as Batman and send all Gotham villains through the Arkham Transitions

    3.03% (474.00)
  • Win a match with each villain

    6.29% (228.00)
  • Be in the Batcave when all the Environmental Interactions are used

    3.16% (455.00)
  • Red Hood must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Gotham's Outlaw

    14.17% (101.00)
  • Starfire must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Starry Night

    14.09% (102.00)
  • Sub-Zero must connect 10 Klones during a match

    3.76% (382.00)
  • Black Manta must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Speared and Seared

    11.00% (131.00)
  • Raiden must summon Kidd Thunder during a match

    2.98% (482.00)
  • Hellboy must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Final Resting Place

    12.71% (113.00)
  • Atom must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from an Atom Lunge

    5.98% (240.00)
  • Enchantress must defeat any opponent with the final hit coming from Out of Body Experience

    11.08% (130.00)
  • Win a match with each Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

    5.11% (281.00)
  • Darkseid must defeat any opponent after summoning each Parademon at least once

    6.71% (214.00)
  • Complete any 3 categories in Advanced Training or Strategy Training

    4.54% (316.00)
  • Reach level 30 with any character

    8.84% (163.00)