• 143,893 Trophies Earned
  • 11,208 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 12,280 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 435 Platinum Club
  • 434 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlocked all other trophies

    3.88% (2312.00)
  • Capture an objective as the last member of the team alive.

    27.30% (329.00)
  • Block an objective from being captured and then clear it.

    76.06% (118.00)
  • Destroy an enemy weapon cache using a remote explosive charge.

    19.67% (456.00)
  • Successfully rig and destroy an enemy weapon cache.

    47.23% (190.00)
  • Get the first kill in a round.

    57.47% (156.00)
  • Kill 3 enemies with a headshot in a row.

    45.87% (196.00)
  • Kill an enemy with an enemy's live grenade.

    5.75% (1560.00)
  • Kill three or more enemies with a single grenade or explosive.

    21.51% (417.00)
  • Kill an enemy right after performing a speed reload.

    74.88% (120.00)
  • As a Commander, kill an enemy using fire support.

    20.43% (439.00)
  • Kill an enemy with a knife.

    29.23% (307.00)
  • Kill an enemy without using weapon sights.

    88.28% (102.00)
  • Kill an enemy by bashing in a door.

    14.22% (631.00)
  • Kill an enemy by shooting through something.

    92.82% (97.00)
  • Destroy an enemy air support vehicle.

    18.43% (487.00)
  • Complete the tutorial mission.

    77.36% (116.00)
  • Win a match of Firefight.

    25.19% (356.00)
  • Win a match of Push.

    49.88% (180.00)
  • Win a match of Checkpoint.

    49.31% (182.00)
  • Purchase your first item in the Appearance menu.

    71.56% (125.00)
  • #1

    Be the Most Valuable Player of a round.

    32.12% (279.00)
  • Capture 100 objectives.

    15.60% (575.00)
  • Call in fire support ten times as an Observer.

    14.94% (601.00)
  • Kill an enemy while they are reloading.

    82.90% (108.00)
  • Kill an enemy with the last bullet of your magazine.

    69.64% (129.00)
  • Kill an enemy after blinding them with a flashbang

    47.41% (189.00)
  • Kill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang

    28.31% (317.00)
  • Kill an enemy while vaulting.

    14.50% (619.00)
  • Kill an enemy by burning them.

    27.18% (330.00)
  • Navigate through chemical gas while wearing a gas mask.

    34.90% (257.00)