• 9,044 Trophies Earned
  • 1,772 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Trophies
  • 10,828 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 84 Platinum Club
  • 84 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Completed every trophy for the game.

    4.74% (571.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in Chinatown.

    6.43% (421.00)
  • Complete Chinatown.

    53.05% (51.00)
  • Complete Chinatown in expedited mode.

    11.51% (235.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in Elysium.

    4.97% (545.00)
  • Complete Elysium.

    16.87% (160.00)
  • Complete Elysium in expedited mode.

    6.60% (410.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in the Harbor.

    4.91% (551.00)
  • Complete the Harbor.

    12.13% (223.00)
  • Complete the Harbor in expedited mode.

    6.04% (448.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in the Gallery.

    4.85% (558.00)
  • Complete the Gallery.

    9.42% (287.00)
  • Complete the Gallery in expedited mode.

    5.64% (480.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in the Bank.

    4.74% (571.00)
  • Complete the Bank.

    8.24% (329.00)
  • Complete the Bank in expedited mode.

    5.30% (511.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in the Alps.

    4.74% (571.00)
  • Complete the Alps.

    7.67% (353.00)
  • Complete the Alps in expedited mode.

    5.19% (522.00)
  • Earn the Baba Yaga name in Lair.

    4.74% (571.00)
  • Complete the Lair.

    7.34% (369.00)
  • Complete the Lair in expedited mode.

    5.19% (522.00)
  • Earn the Koschei name in any location.

    8.58% (316.00)
  • Earn the Letun name in any location.

    7.00% (387.00)
  • Earn the Zmei Gorynych name in any location.

    24.55% (110.00)
  • Earn the Alyosha Popovich name in any location.

    40.74% (66.00)
  • Kill someone by throwing a gun at them.

    75.56% (36.00)
  • Complete a location with under four bars of health remaining.

    47.07% (58.00)
  • Kill someone using two or more guns.

    59.14% (46.00)
  • Use a takedown, a strike and a push on the same enemy.

    22.12% (122.00)
  • Reload a gun which is only missing one round.

    12.42% (218.00)
  • Begin a new game at 6pm.

    12.87% (210.00)