• 67,099 Trophies Earned
  • 1,682 Players Tracked
  • 40 Total Trophies
  • 40 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 1,656 Platinum Club
  • 1,645 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all the trophies

    98.51% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "A" as the final correct letter

    99.70% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "B" as the final correct letter

    99.70% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "C" as the final correct letter

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "D" as the final correct letter

    99.94% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "E" as the final correct letter

    99.76% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "F" as the final correct letter

    99.82% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "G" as the final correct letter

    99.88% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "H" as the final correct letter

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "I" as the final correct letter

    99.64% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "J" as the final correct letter

    99.52% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "K" as the final correct letter

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "L" as the final correct letter

    99.88% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "M" as the final correct letter

    99.88% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "N" as the final correct letter

    99.64% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "O" as the final correct letter

    99.94% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "P" as the final correct letter

    99.88% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "Q" as the final correct letter

    99.23% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "R" as the final correct letter

    99.70% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "S" as the final correct letter

    99.64% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "T" as the final correct letter

    99.82% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "U" as the final correct letter

    99.58% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "V" as the final correct letter

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "W" as the final correct letter

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "X" as the final correct letter

    99.23% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "Y" as the final correct letter

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase using "Z" as the final correct letter

    98.99% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase with no wrong letters

    99.94% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase in under 60 seconds

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Spend a minute considering the next letter

    99.52% (1.00)
  • The first letter you chose for a phrase was wrong

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Select five wrong letters in a row

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Select every wrong letter before completing a phrase

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase by only pressing one button

    99.70% (1.00)
  • Your first choice appeared at least 4 times in the phrase

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Complete a phrase for the second time

    99.82% (1.00)
  • Complete all phrases on page 1

    99.41% (1.00)
  • Complete all phrases on page 2

    98.99% (1.00)
  • Complete all phrases on page 3

    98.81% (1.00)
  • Complete all phrases on page 4

    98.81% (1.00)