• 866,246 Trophies Earned
  • 129,350 Players Tracked
  • 61 Total Trophies
  • 24,555 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,830 Points
  • 5,709 Platinum Club
  • 1,398 100% Club
Earned Date

Dare Devils of Destruction DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Earn a B Rank in the Trial of Initiation

    3.08% (438.00)
  • Earn a B Rank in the Trial of Triumph

    1.45% (930.00)
  • Earn a B Rank in LNP's Isla Intensa Trial Run

    1.42% (950.00)
  • Earn a B Rank in the Gearheads' Godsbowl Trial Rampage

    1.46% (924.00)
  • Earn a B Rank in Los Artistas' La Ratonera Survival Trial

    1.45% (930.00)
  • Destroy 15 vehicles during a single challenge

    2.20% (613.00)
  • Destroy 25 vehicles during a single challenge

    1.75% (771.00)
  • Drive through all AR tiger images in the Solino Underground's challenges

    1.19% (1134.00)
  • Earn an S Rank in every course in the Solino Underground

    1.27% (1062.00)

Los Demonios DLC trophies

Earned Date

Danger Rising DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Grapple to an Agent who's reeling through the air, and reel-kick them

    2.94% (459.00)
  • Ride a friendly Agency drone for 1,000 meters, without getting off it

    1.57% (859.00)
  • Defeat an Agent riding an Agency drone while riding an Agency drone yourself

    1.54% (876.00)
  • Defeat 10 enemies during a single Agency drone ride

    1.30% (1038.00)
  • Defeat Emerson Miller

    2.46% (548.00)
  • Reach 200 km/h with the Hoverboard for 10 seconds while grappled to a vehicle

    1.48% (911.00)
  • Ride the Hoverboard for a total of 10,000 meters (electro-mag cables don't count!)

    3.48% (388.00)
  • Complete all Agency Hoverboard Courses in 20 seconds or less

    1.21% (1115.00)