• 368 Achievements Earned
  • 43 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 49 Obtainable EXP
  • 35 100% Club
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  • In the intertwining of parallel universes, the experience of falling stirs ripples of memory.

    86.05% (5.00)
  • Every microscopic particle simultaneously possesses the nature of both wave and particle.

    83.72% (5.00)
  • Under the sunlight, the wings of the butterfly shimmer with an azure glow.

    93.02% (5.00)
  • With the disappearance of all observers, the certainty of existence crumbles, marking the "Space Annihilation".

    83.72% (5.00)
  • The gentle breeze brushes through the reeds, this serene field is the exit of the maze.

    81.40% (5.00)
  • The pain of betrayal rouses ripples of memory across parallel universes.

    86.05% (5.00)
  • Before the box is opened, the cat's fate hangs between life and death, this is Schrödinger's Cat.

    95.35% (4.00)
  • The veil of the future remains unlifted, anything is possible.

    81.40% (5.00)
  • In the yet unknown deeper theories, there must be secrets that explain the uncertainty.

    81.40% (5.00)
  • Two thousand meters underground, snowflakes fall silently, this is the Night of the Godless…

    83.72% (5.00)