Defeat Whispy Woods
Defeat Paint Roller
Defeat Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright
Defeat Kracko
Defeat Heavy Mole
Defeat Meta Knight
Defeat King Dedede
Beat the game!
Enter HAL Room in 1-2
Get a 1-up in the hi-jump mini game
Press your first secret button
Beat the Vs. Boss bonus game
Beat the Extra Game mode
Beat the Normal Mode on 100% and enter Extra Game
Enter Sound Test
Catch every egg in Egg Catcher mini game on challenging difficulty
Get four 1-ups in the Crane Fever mini game on challenging difficulty
Win the Quick Draw mini game on challenging difficulty
Eat two copyable enemies at the same time
Eat Invincibility Candy
Defeat Meta Knight without taking damage
Defeat both forms of the Nightmare without taking damage
Defeat Whispy Woods without taking damage or using copy abilities
Defeat Paint Roller without taking damage or using copy abilities
Defeat Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright without taking damage or using copy abilities
Defeat Kracko without taking damage or using copy abilities
Defeat Heavy Mole with full health and without using copy abilities
Defeat King Dedede without taking damage or using copy abilities
Clear the normal path of level 7-2 without taking damage or using copy abilities
Defeat the Grand Wheelie in the Butter Building Arena without taking damage or using copy abilities
Enter the secret 1-up room in level 7-2
Reach Kracko's highest cloud using only regular jumps and the ball ability, without losing the ability
Defeat King Dedede with the Hammer ability and without taking damage
Be fired from the cannon in level 7-5
Get the 1-up in level 4-4
Score 500,000 points
Get the UFO power in the secret area of level 1-1
Become Fire Kirby
Become Spark Kirby
Become Cutter Kirby
Become Sword Kirby
Become Fireball Kirby
Become Laser Kirby
Become Mike Kirby
Become Wheel Kirby
Become Hammer Kirby
Become Parasol Kirby
Become Sleep Kirby
Become Needle Kirby
Become Ice Kirby
Become Hi-Jump Kirby
Become Beam Kirby
Become Stone Kirby
Become Ball Kirby
Become Tornado Kirby
Become Crash Kirby
Become Light Kirby
Become Back Drop Kirby
Become Throw Kirby
Become UFO Kirby
Become Freeze Kirby