• 1,311,503 Trophies Earned
  • 106,106 Players Tracked
  • 42 Total Trophies
  • 8,267 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 7,582 Platinum Club
  • 7,575 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Received all trophies

    7.15% (415.00)
  • Defeated the Chapter 3-5 boss

    68.75% (43.00)
  • Defeated the Chapter 7-5 boss

    52.14% (57.00)
  • Defeated the Chapter 11-5 boss

    45.16% (66.00)
  • Defeated the Chapter 13-5 boss

    42.58% (70.00)
  • Landed 100 hits using the Dash Attack

    25.92% (114.00)
  • Acquired a total of over 100,000 relics

    38.48% (77.00)
  • Defeated 8 or more enemies with a single Super Move

    16.90% (175.00)
  • Defeated 5 gunships by throwing cars

    37.39% (79.00)
  • Defeated 100 goblins

    85.23% (35.00)
  • Defeated 100 robots

    83.87% (35.00)
  • Achieved 20 consecutive hits with the Combo Meter equipped

    24.81% (119.00)
  • Achieved 50 consecutive hits with the Combo Meter equipped

    12.25% (242.00)
  • Defeated the three Gatekeeper Goblins and cleared Chapter 3-2 without dying

    13.77% (215.00)
  • Collected the clear crystals in Chapter 4-2 without being detected by the security robots

    28.22% (105.00)
  • Destroyed the 3 anti-aircraft guns in Chapter 8-2 within 5 minutes

    26.60% (111.00)
  • Cleared a chapter as Vampire Knack

    11.03% (269.00)
  • Defeated the Chieftain's Mech using Brittle Knack

    10.53% (281.00)
  • Defeated Gundahar's Robot using Massive Knack

    8.54% (347.00)
  • Defeated Katrina's Mech using Sunstone Knack

    8.73% (340.00)
  • Defeated the Giant Orb using Dark Knack

    8.99% (330.00)
  • Defeated all bosses using Diamond Knack

    7.72% (384.00)
  • Discovered a treasure chest

    100.00% (30.00)
  • Discovered all of the treasure chests

    8.95% (331.00)
  • Acquired a Gadget part

    99.32% (30.00)
  • Constructed a Gadget

    42.54% (70.00)
  • Acquired all of the Gadgets

    14.23% (208.00)
  • Acquired a Crystal Relic

    75.83% (39.00)
  • Unlocked an upgraded Knack

    16.77% (177.00)
  • Unlocked all upgraded Knack characters

    7.94% (373.00)
  • Completed a non-boss chapter without using any Super Moves

    67.19% (44.00)
  • Completed a chapter only using Super Moves on enemies and without dying once

    8.94% (332.00)
  • Defeated 20 enemies as Stealth Knack and completed the chapter

    14.64% (202.00)
  • Completed all chapters on Normal difficulty or higher

    32.46% (91.00)
  • Completed all chapters on Hard difficulty or higher

    13.41% (221.00)
  • Completed all chapters on Very Hard difficulty

    7.37% (402.00)
  • Completed a Time Attack stage

    14.34% (207.00)
  • Achieved five-star ranks in all Time Attack stages

    7.75% (382.00)
  • Completed a Coliseum Attack stage

    11.10% (267.00)
  • Achieved five-star ranks in all Coliseum Attack stages

    8.67% (342.00)
  • Defeated a boss without taking damage

    11.17% (265.00)
  • Completed a stage without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above

    8.58% (345.00)