• 8,858 Trophies Earned
  • 610 Players Tracked
  • 16 Total Trophies
  • 48 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 531 Platinum Club
  • 531 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all other trophies.

    87.05% (3.00)
  • Swing it towards your foe. Haven't won yet? Repeat previous step.

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Secret hold-attack-button-to-charge technique unlocked.

    87.38% (3.00)
  • Place it in front of anything dangerous. It's as simple as that.

    96.39% (3.00)
  • Allows you to dash because walking is slow and boring.

    93.28% (3.00)
  • Point at your target. Shoot magic bolts. Try not to miss.

    88.85% (3.00)
  • Now you can move heavy things and open jars with bare hands!

    90.66% (3.00)
  • Makes you invulnerable! But only after you were hurt...

    91.48% (3.00)
  • Big Red Potions... There is always not enough of them.

    91.97% (3.00)
  • Great power may lead to unpleasant consequences (or not).

    87.21% (3.00)
  • Found all the golden keys in the Forsaken Ruins.

    92.62% (3.00)
  • Found all the golden keys in the Ancient Pyramid.

    88.20% (3.00)
  • No closed chest was left behind in the Forsaken Ruins.

    90.00% (3.00)
  • No closed chest was left behind in the Ancient Pyramid.

    87.87% (3.00)
  • Defeated almost a dragon.

    91.80% (3.00)
  • Defeated the unfinished titan.

    87.38% (3.00)