• 4,568 Trophies Earned
  • 1,130 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 30,587 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,440 Points
  • 9 Platinum Club
  • 9 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn every trophy

    0.80% (2546.00)
  • Complete all sections of the tutorial

    77.52% (26.00)
  • Win your first fight

    95.40% (21.00)
  • Get "In the Zone" (get Gold Gloves)

    82.74% (25.00)
  • Defeat Iron Maiden without ripping your gloves

    1.33% (1531.00)
  • Parry Scurvy's headbutt attack 3 times

    1.86% (1095.00)
  • Get an interrupt 5 times against Barrage

    17.70% (115.00)
  • Parry Crimson Fang's double uppercut attack (Grudge Match Mode)

    1.06% (1921.00)
  • Get an interrupt 5 times against Volt

    2.48% (821.00)
  • Defeat The Magician without punching the wrong portal

    2.48% (821.00)
  • Defeat Octopunch without getting inked

    2.12% (961.00)
  • Without getting hit, block all of Showtime's punches in a single match

    0.97% (2099.00)
  • Interrupt Tri-Tip's Meathook attack 3 times

    22.39% (91.00)
  • Wipe a gallon of Octopunch's ink off

    2.74% (743.00)
  • Shake the Magician's bunny off

    3.54% (575.00)
  • Defeat all Pro Circuit fighters

    49.47% (41.00)
  • Defeat all Superstar Circuit fighters

    9.91% (205.00)
  • Defeat all Champion Circuit fighters

    3.45% (590.00)
  • Achieve a cumulative "superscore" of 5,000,000 on the Elite Circuit

    1.15% (1771.00)
  • Achieve a cumulative "superscore" of 7,000,000 on the World-Class Circuit

    0.97% (2099.00)
  • Achieve a cumulative "superscore" of 6,000,000 on the Legend Circuit

    0.88% (2314.00)
  • Defeat all fighters without taking damage (Grudge Match Mode)

    0.88% (2314.00)
  • Get 1,500 points on stamina mode Focus Mitts

    2.92% (697.00)
  • Complete hard mode Focus Mitts without making more then 3 mistakes

    2.57% (792.00)
  • Get 275 points on hard mode Speed Bag

    2.65% (768.00)
  • Get 10,000 points on stamina mode Reflex Alley

    3.72% (547.00)
  • Complete hard mode Reflex Alley without making more than 5 mistakes

    2.92% (697.00)
  • Throw Showtime's money back at him when he's down

    1.95% (1044.00)

Heavy Update DLC trophies

Earned Date