• 516,058 Trophies Earned
  • 17,096 Players Tracked
  • 39 Total Trophies
  • 1,616 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 7,381 Platinum Club
  • 7,377 100% Club
Earned Date
  • ME3: Acquire all trophies

    43.15% (71.00)
  • ME3: Return to active duty.

    100.00% (31.00)
  • ME3: Chase down an assassin.

    95.69% (32.00)
  • ME3: Bring a veteran officer aboard.

    91.75% (34.00)
  • ME3: Destroy an Atlas dropped from orbit.

    87.72% (35.00)
  • ME3: Explore a lost city.

    84.98% (36.00)
  • ME3: Survive the swarm.

    84.62% (36.00)
  • ME3: Sabotage a dreadnought.

    82.18% (37.00)
  • ME3: Call down an orbital strike.

    81.01% (38.00)
  • ME3: Disable a group of fighter squadrons.

    78.96% (39.00)
  • ME3: Win a political stand-off.

    84.43% (36.00)
  • ME3: Extract ancient technology.

    79.85% (39.00)
  • ME3: Defeat an old adversary.

    78.27% (39.00)
  • ME3: Send a warning across the galaxy.

    79.40% (39.00)
  • ME3: Discover an enemy's monstrous origin.

    80.25% (38.00)
  • ME3: Stop a Cerberus kidnapping.

    84.44% (36.00)
  • ME3: Evacuate a scientific facility.

    80.46% (38.00)
  • ME3: Make the final assault.

    77.87% (40.00)
  • ME3: Mission accomplished.

    77.11% (40.00)
  • ME3: Visit a store on the Citadel.

    93.41% (33.00)
  • ME3: Deliver most of the Galaxy at War assets to the final conflict.

    73.96% (42.00)
  • ME3: Dispatch 10 probes to retrieve people or resources in Reaper territory.

    79.36% (39.00)
  • ME3: Modify a weapon.

    92.39% (33.00)
  • ME3: Perform any combination of 50 biotic combos or tech bursts.

    66.35% (46.00)
  • ME3: Evolve any of your powers to rank 6.

    91.71% (34.00)
  • ME3: Escape a Reaper in the galaxy map.

    87.31% (35.00)
  • ME3: Overload the shields of 100 enemies.

    55.36% (56.00)
  • ME3: Lift 100 enemies off the ground with powers.

    63.87% (48.00)
  • ME3: Set 100 enemies on fire with powers.

    75.06% (41.00)
  • ME3: Kill a brute while it's charging you.

    87.52% (35.00)
  • ME3: Kill 10 guardians with headshots from the front while their shields are raised.

    64.10% (48.00)
  • ME3: Hijack an Atlas mech.

    58.77% (52.00)
  • ME3: Defeat a harvester.

    86.72% (36.00)
  • ME3: Obtain two non-customizable suits of armor.

    60.97% (51.00)
  • ME3: Upgrade any weapon to level 10.

    44.75% (69.00)
  • ME3: Uncover an ancient secret.

    79.06% (39.00)
  • ME3: Free Omega from Cerberus Occupation.

    81.81% (38.00)
  • ME3: Stop an out-of-control scheme before it's too late.

    78.81% (39.00)
  • ME3: Defeat a group of Spectre-level opponents on Normal, Hardcore, or Insanity.

    45.15% (68.00)