• 716,548 Trophies Earned
  • 50,249 Players Tracked
  • 72 Total Trophies
  • 24,320 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,695 Points
  • 1,048 Platinum Club
  • 511 100% Club
Earned Date

Classic Space Pack DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Driving the Space Buggy, launch it into the air for 3 seconds

    1.98% (876.00)
  • Defeat 8 Large Space Spiders within 40 seconds. Watch out for pincer attacks!

    2.74% (633.00)
  • Play some lunar tunes on the moon with another player whilst using a different musical instrument

    1.59% (1091.00)
  • Take Intergalactic Girl to the Classic Space Biome (Moonwalking optional!)

    1.59% (1091.00)
  • Shoot 10 rockets from the mobile Rocket Launcher

    2.32% (748.00)

Monsters Pack DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Create a single custom character, using a part from each of the new monster characters

    1.82% (953.00)
  • Stake a claim to Monster Town by playing as the classic Vampire character in the Monsters pack

    1.46% (1188.00)
  • Play a guitar solo in the Monster Biome stage area in front of the crowd

    1.68% (1032.00)
  • Use the paintball gun to splatter paint on all the new monster characters

    1.25% (1387.00)
  • Collect Vampire & Lord Vampyre's Bride, then place them together in the Monsters castle

    1.21% (1433.00)