• 5,449,328 Trophies Earned
  • 231,902 Players Tracked
  • 70 Total Trophies
  • 10,387 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,740 Points
  • 18,048 Platinum Club
  • 8,641 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all LittleBigPlanet™ trophies to unlock this platinum trophy

    7.80% (312.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Gardens

    87.89% (28.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Savannah

    74.39% (33.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Wedding

    63.88% (38.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Canyons

    54.20% (45.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Metropolis

    51.55% (47.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Islands

    46.70% (52.00)
  • Complete all levels in The Temples

    44.77% (54.00)
  • Complete all levels in the Tutorials

    17.99% (135.00)
  • Place a sticker

    98.35% (25.00)
  • Place 10 stickers or decorations in your pod

    68.42% (36.00)
  • Choose a costume for your sackperson with at least one item on your head, at least one item on your body, and a material

    94.12% (26.00)
  • Place a sticker or a decoration on another player's sackperson

    51.17% (48.00)
  • Collect 25% of the prize bubbles on the story levels

    60.81% (40.00)
  • Collect 50% of the prize bubbles on the story levels

    46.00% (53.00)
  • Collect 75% of the prize bubbles on the story levels

    28.70% (85.00)
  • Get a 2X Multiplier

    99.29% (25.00)
  • Get an 8X Multiplier

    71.88% (34.00)
  • Kill 100 Creatures across all levels

    49.72% (49.00)
  • Unlock the race in First Steps

    43.98% (55.00)
  • Travel at incredible speed

    49.45% (49.00)
  • Travel to an incredible height

    49.84% (49.00)
  • Spend 8 seconds or more in the air

    49.15% (49.00)
  • Complete a level with more than one player

    77.28% (31.00)
  • Complete a level online with 3 other players who are on your friends list

    15.09% (161.00)
  • Complete a level online with 3 other players who are not on your friends list

    33.75% (72.00)
  • Win a 4-player game

    34.12% (71.00)
  • Complete a community level

    64.56% (38.00)
  • Be among the first 10 people to complete a community level

    51.68% (47.00)
  • Tag a community level

    56.97% (43.00)
  • Heart 5 community levels

    46.29% (53.00)
  • Heart 3 authors

    37.83% (64.00)
  • Post a comment on a community level

    34.56% (70.00)
  • Build and save a level with the thermometer more than 30% full

    35.52% (68.00)
  • Build and save a level with more than one player with the thermometer more than 30% full

    26.59% (91.00)
  • Publish a level

    28.82% (84.00)
  • A level you published was played by 5 or more people

    24.35% (100.00)
  • Complete all the main path story levels

    37.27% (65.00)
  • Get a 20X Multiplier

    56.11% (43.00)
  • Collect 1,000,000 points over all levels you have played

    50.90% (48.00)
  • Collect all the prize bubbles on the story levels

    10.99% (221.00)
  • Create a living creature with at least 2 eyes, 2 legs or wheels, and a brain

    34.46% (71.00)
  • A level you published was played by 50 or more people

    14.81% (164.00)
  • A level you published was hearted by 10 or more people

    12.49% (195.00)
  • You were hearted by 5 or more people as a player

    16.99% (143.00)
  • Complete all story levels without dying, with the exception of those levels that only end when you die

    10.72% (227.00)
  • The levels you have published were hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people

    9.74% (250.00)
  • Play 150 community levels, tag 50 community levels and heart 10 community levels

    13.63% (178.00)
  • Fire 40 paintballs in under 5 seconds

    13.48% (180.00)
  • Destroy the Metal Gear REX boss

    16.80% (145.00)
  • Ace Act 3: The Mission and Act 4: The Level Factory

    9.40% (259.00)
  • Ace Act 5: The Boss

    9.57% (254.00)
  • Fire 5,000 paintballs

    18.20% (134.00)
  • Achieve a score of 3,750 in the VR Survival Challenge

    8.83% (275.00)
  • Destroy the 5 hidden target diamonds in Act 4: The Level Factory

    10.64% (229.00)
  • Destroy the Metal Gear REX boss in under 2 mins 30 seconds

    7.86% (309.00)
  • Complete Act 3: The Mission firing less than 125 paintballs

    7.56% (322.00)
  • Collect all of the METAL GEAR SOLID® prize bubbles

    9.19% (265.00)
  • Publish a level containing the METAL GEAR SOLID® Paintinator Powerup

    12.82% (190.00)
  • Achieve a score of 7000 in the Diving for Treasure Survival Challenge

    5.59% (435.00)
  • Collect all of the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN prize bubbles

    5.06% (481.00)
  • Destroy the KRAKEN boss

    9.70% (251.00)
  • Ace Port Royal

    8.42% (289.00)
  • Ace Pirate Town

    7.69% (316.00)
  • Ace The Frigate

    7.45% (327.00)
  • Ace Cursed Bay

    6.84% (356.00)
  • Ace The Kraken!!!

    6.35% (383.00)
  • Publish a level containing WATER

    8.19% (297.00)
  • Complete 20 community levels that contain WATER.

    9.40% (259.00)
  • Complete the race in Cursed Bay with at least 4000 points left on the clock

    5.22% (466.00)