• 62,907 Trophies Earned
  • 4,874 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 4,022 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 903 Platinum Club
  • 903 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all trophies and prove yourself as the ultimate hero.

    18.53% (177.00)
  • Complete Mega Man Zero, Zero 2, Zero 3, Zero 4, ZX, and ZX Advent.

    24.60% (133.00)
  • Listen to 3 tracks from each album in the Music Player, then beat any game and listen to its ending theme.

    28.95% (113.00)
  • View 30 cards across all six titles in the Gallery, then change the wallpaper to the secret image.

    25.44% (129.00)
  • Outrun the ghost for the first time in Z Chaser.

    36.95% (89.00)
  • Complete all stages in Z Chaser (including hidden stage).

    18.88% (173.00)
  • Complete the opening stage in Mega Man Zero.

    97.48% (34.00)
  • Complete Mega Man Zero (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    46.35% (71.00)
  • Listen to all of Andrew's monologues to the end in Mega Man Zero (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    57.51% (57.00)
  • Enter Ciel's room at the base in Mega Man Zero.

    49.08% (67.00)
  • Destroy the ice dragon summoned with Leviathan's "Spirit of the Ocean" EX Skill in Mega Man Zero.

    31.17% (105.00)
  • Intercept the bombardment aircraft in Mega Man Zero 2.

    41.53% (79.00)
  • Complete Mega Man Zero 2 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    36.93% (89.00)
  • Obtain the X Form in Mega Man Zero 2.

    37.40% (87.00)
  • Use an EX Skill to score the final hit against any boss in Mega Man Zero 2.

    32.54% (101.00)
  • Defeat Gazamir in Mega Man Zero 2.

    38.63% (85.00)
  • Defeat Copy X Mark II in Mega Man Zero 3.

    37.34% (88.00)
  • Complete Mega Man Zero 3 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    34.74% (94.00)
  • Obtain all body chips in Mega Man Zero 3.

    36.79% (89.00)
  • Exit Cyberspace after experiencing it for the first time in Mega Man Zero 3.

    38.70% (85.00)
  • Cut off Blazin' Flizard's tail in Mega Man Zero 3.

    36.34% (90.00)
  • Defeat Phantom in Cyberspace in Mega Man Zero 3 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    30.39% (108.00)
  • Defeat Craft in the Ragnarok Control Room and stop Ragnarok in Mega Man Zero 4.

    33.05% (99.00)
  • Complete Mega Man Zero 4 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    31.19% (105.00)
  • Create a chip by combining collected parts in Mega Man Zero 4.

    30.92% (106.00)
  • Create an S-Crystal in Mega Man Zero 4.

    28.35% (115.00)
  • Defeat a boss with three Junk chips equipped and without a cyber-elf equipped in Mega Man Zero 4.

    25.67% (127.00)
  • Double Megamerge after inheriting Model Z in Mega Man ZX.

    38.51% (85.00)
  • Complete Mega Man ZX (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    28.33% (115.00)
  • Obtain a W Tank in Mega Man ZX.

    27.66% (118.00)
  • Obtain all Item B chips in Mega Man ZX.

    24.07% (136.00)
  • Obtain a biometal with a Lv. 4 victory in Mega Man ZX.

    30.76% (106.00)
  • Defeat Omega in Area N in Mega Man ZX (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    26.84% (122.00)
  • Copy an enemy's data for the first time in Mega Man ZX Advent.

    33.38% (98.00)
  • Complete Mega Man ZX Advent (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

    25.48% (128.00)
  • Obtain all 4 subtanks in Mega Man ZX Advent.

    24.05% (136.00)
  • Obtain at least one of each bronze, silver, and gold medals in Mega Man ZX Advent.

    22.49% (145.00)
  • Defeat a boss in Grey's Reploid form or Ashe's Human form in Mega Man ZX Advent.

    23.70% (138.00)