• 336,539 Trophies Earned
  • 17,419 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Trophies
  • 12,818 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,785 Points
  • 1,813 Platinum Club
  • 386 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all trophies.

    10.41% (259.00)
  • Detach all train cars on the MOSCOW level.

    21.02% (128.00)
  • Complete the MOSCOW level.

    93.82% (29.00)
  • Name the locomotive.

    90.94% (30.00)
  • Get into a boat.

    86.20% (31.00)
  • Get into the Trolley.

    55.47% (49.00)
  • Find the guitar and teddy bear on the VOLGA level.

    46.03% (59.00)
  • Find the passenger train car.

    54.22% (50.00)
  • Kill the Catfish.

    35.39% (76.00)
  • Duke survives.

    32.67% (83.00)
  • Complete the VOLGA level.

    52.20% (52.00)
  • Kill 90 cannibals.

    41.75% (65.00)
  • Complete the YAMANTAU level.

    50.53% (53.00)
  • Drive the Bukhanka.

    49.07% (55.00)
  • Kill 50 enemies with the Bukhanka.

    13.81% (195.00)
  • Use the bucket lift on the CASPIAN level to reach the Oasis.

    18.07% (149.00)
  • Find the maps in the Labaratory.

    47.18% (57.00)
  • Damir stays with crew.

    22.37% (121.00)
  • Complete the CASPIAN level.

    42.47% (64.00)
  • Attend the wedding on the SUMMER level.

    42.11% (64.00)
  • Destroy the biggest statue in front of the children's camp on the TAIGA level.

    19.47% (139.00)
  • Stand your ground against the Bear at first encounter.

    34.77% (78.00)
  • Take part in the Admiral's tea party on the TAIGA level.

    25.59% (105.00)
  • Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed.

    13.08% (206.00)
  • Alyosha doesn't get wounded.

    32.65% (83.00)
  • Complete the TAIGA level.

    39.29% (69.00)
  • Pass the putrid tunnel.

    38.53% (70.00)
  • Pass the Research Facility without killing a Blind One on the DEAD CITY level.

    21.76% (124.00)
  • Duke and Damir stay with the crew, Alyosha doesn't get wounded.

    18.78% (144.00)
  • Complete the game in Ranger Hardcore mode.

    11.79% (229.00)
  • Save Anna by paying the ultimate price.

    23.37% (115.00)
  • Assume command of the Order.

    26.52% (102.00)
  • Make at least one kill with every ranged weapon.

    19.74% (137.00)
  • Install a modification of each category on a single weapon.

    58.47% (46.00)
  • Spend 500 chemical resources on cleaning weapons.

    14.29% (189.00)
  • Spend 500 consumable resources on crafting.

    54.69% (49.00)
  • Find all upgrades for Artyom's suit.

    14.94% (181.00)
  • Patch the Gasmask.

    92.37% (29.00)
  • After running out of filters in a hazard zone, craft a new one while suffocating.

    19.74% (137.00)
  • Kill 300 mutants.

    35.39% (76.00)
  • Kill 50 enemies at long distance.

    11.98% (225.00)
  • Kill 30 enemies with Tikhar.

    38.19% (71.00)
  • Kill 30 enemies with Crossbow.

    28.49% (95.00)
  • Kill 300 Human enemies.

    22.99% (117.00)
  • Melee-kill or stun 50 enemies.

    40.11% (67.00)
  • Kill 3 enemies using sniper scope while wearing the Gas mask and using the Night Vision goggles all at the same time.

    17.34% (156.00)
  • Kill a demon with fire.

    22.49% (120.00)
  • Find all 70 hidden Diary pages.

    11.90% (227.00)
  • Find all 21 post cards.

    11.94% (226.00)
  • Find a tune on the radio.

    39.48% (68.00)

New game+ DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Find 3 toys in New Game+ mode: teddy bear, sun and fish.

    4.79% (563.00)
  • Complete the game in New Game+ mode using any modification.

    5.55% (486.00)
  • Complete the game in Iron Mode.

    3.62% (745.00)

The Two Colonels DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Celebrate the New Year in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

    16.96% (159.00)
  • Make a moral choice in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

    16.77% (161.00)
  • Provide guidance for Kirill in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

    16.58% (163.00)
  • Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

    15.83% (170.00)
  • Find all 9 hidden Diary pages in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

    6.29% (429.00)
  • Kill 3 Nosalises with flamethrower's melee attack in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter

    7.61% (355.00)
  • Dodge all of the Blind One's throwing attacks in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

    7.17% (376.00)
  • Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter without using any Medkits on Normal or higher difficulty.

    4.82% (560.00)

Sam's Story DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Organize a documentary screening in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

    9.72% (278.00)
  • Set all 5 traps in the SAM'S STORY chapter as the Captain requests.

    10.07% (268.00)
  • Complete SAM'S STORY on Normal or higher difficulty without dying in Batwing encounters.

    5.32% (507.00)
  • Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter.

    12.41% (217.00)
  • Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter earning the Captain's full trust.

    4.87% (554.00)
  • Find all the Night Hunters' secret stashes in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

    4.40% (613.00)
  • Collect all harmonica melodies in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

    4.95% (545.00)
  • Collect all the upgrades for Sammy rifle and Stallion pistol in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

    8.42% (320.00)