• 4,024 Trophies Earned
  • 239 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 929 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 143 Platinum Club
  • 143 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You have completed all trophies

    59.83% (71.00)
  • Unearthed the abandoned flashlight from the cold, desolate floor, illuminating the shadows that hungered for your fear.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Summoned the courage to turn the rusty doorknob, venturing into the eerie unknown that awaited beyond.

    98.33% (2.00)
  • Unveiled the secrets of survival and discovered a means to restore your waning life force, defying the clutches of impending demise.

    90.79% (2.00)
  • Pierced the veil of silence that shrouded the haunted town, unraveling its dark history through meticulous exploration.

    89.12% (2.00)
  • Unlocked the enigmatic box with trembling hands, retrieving the elusive keycard that held the power to unlock forbidden realms.

    87.45% (2.00)
  • Unearthed the hidden key near the foreboding power station, a crucial element for escaping the labyrinthine nightmare.

    82.01% (2.00)
  • Dared to challenge the oppressiveness of the prison's iron embrace, slipping through the ethereal bars of confinement into uncertain freedom.

    82.43% (2.00)
  • Delved into the bowels of a forsaken factory, deciphering its enigmatic machinery and uncovering its grim secrets.

    77.41% (55.00)
  • Braved the chilling depths of the main hangar, prying open its imposing doors to confront the unspeakable terrors lurking within.

    73.64% (58.00)
  • Navigated through the labyrinth of oil tanks and electrical panels, skillfully unlocking the path to Alex's hidden hangar.

    76.57% (56.00)
  • Ventured into the haunting confines of Alex's hangar, where the twisted remnants of a shattered psyche lie in wait.

    74.48% (57.00)
  • Surveyed the contents of Alex's hangar with trepidation, unearthing grim revelations that painted a chilling portrait of despair.

    74.48% (57.00)
  • Unearthed the long-forgotten hangar adjacent to the factory's entrance, bypassing the checkpoint barrier to face the horrors that await.

    72.38% (59.00)
  • Unveiled the elusive keycard code, a cryptic sequence that grants access to a realm of nightmares and eldritch horrors.

    68.62% (62.00)
  • Embarked on an arduous journey to reach the towering structure that pierces the heavens, a beacon of hope in a sea of darkness.

    69.46% (61.00)
  • Cracked open the secure keycard box, unlocking the mysteries that lie beyond and forging a path to forbidden knowledge.

    69.04% (62.00)
  • Explored the treacherous and winding bunker tunnels, where echoes of past horrors and unspeakable truths resided.

    69.46% (61.00)
  • Unearthed the concealed key that held the power to unlock the impenetrable door, revealing a path to further enigmas.

    69.04% (62.00)
  • Pressing forward despite the encroaching darkness and malevolence, you forged ahead on your perilous odyssey.

    69.04% (62.00)
  • Scoured the dimly lit rooms, diligently searching for remnants of forgotten lore, uncovering hidden truths that may alter your fate.

    68.62% (62.00)
  • Unlocked the final gateway to salvation, utilizing the keycard to escape the oppressive clutches of the subterranean bunker, leaving behind the echoes of torment and embarking on a path towards liberation.

    61.09% (70.00)