• 1,381,270 Trophies Earned
  • 84,659 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Trophies
  • 15,208 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,500 Points
  • 6,368 Platinum Club
  • 2,208 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies

    7.53% (521.00)
  • Complete the Tutorial

    95.79% (41.00)
  • Complete the Prologue in story mode

    95.71% (41.00)
  • Complete Chapter 1 in story mode

    86.50% (45.00)
  • Complete Chapter 2 in story mode

    77.64% (51.00)
  • Complete Chapter 3 in story mode

    70.08% (56.00)
  • Complete Chapter 4 in story mode

    63.83% (61.00)
  • Complete Chapter 5 in story mode

    59.64% (66.00)
  • Complete Chapter 6 in story mode

    55.27% (71.00)
  • Complete Chapter 7 in story mode

    51.87% (76.00)
  • Complete Chapter 8 in story mode

    50.03% (78.00)
  • Complete the story mode on any difficulty

    48.58% (81.00)
  • Complete story mode on hard difficulty.

    16.21% (242.00)
  • Find all three hidden bags in one chapter

    36.74% (107.00)
  • Find 11 hidden bags

    32.98% (119.00)
  • Find all 30 hidden bags

    18.05% (217.00)
  • Beat the qualifier time on any Time Trial stretch

    38.07% (103.00)
  • Unlock all Time Trial stretches

    11.38% (345.00)
  • Attain a Time Trial star rating of 20

    11.72% (335.00)
  • Attain a Time Trial star rating of 35

    9.55% (411.00)
  • Attain a Time Trial star rating of 50

    8.69% (452.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of the Prologue below the target time.

    27.25% (144.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 1 below the target time.

    15.94% (246.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 2 below the target time.

    8.38% (468.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 3 below the target time.

    8.33% (471.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 4 below the target time.

    8.31% (472.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 5 below the target time.

    7.93% (495.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 6 below the target time.

    8.05% (488.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 7 below the target time.

    7.86% (499.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 8 below the target time.

    7.98% (492.00)
  • Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 9 below the target time.

    7.74% (507.00)
  • Maintain sprint speed for 30 seconds.

    28.55% (137.00)
  • String together the following: jump, coil (over obstacle), slide (under obstacle)

    30.20% (130.00)
  • String together the following: wallrun, jump, speedvault

    74.71% (53.00)
  • String together the following: wallrun, turn, jump, wallclimb, turn, jump

    25.82% (152.00)
  • String together the following: wallrun, jump, coil (over obstacle), skill roll

    20.16% (195.00)
  • Complete a chapter of the game without ending up in a heavy landing

    27.51% (143.00)
  • Complete a chapter without getting shot

    29.79% (132.00)
  • Complete a chapter without firing a gun

    82.71% (47.00)
  • Complete the game without shooting an enemy

    23.58% (166.00)
  • Perform a melee hit from a wallrun

    35.68% (110.00)
  • Perform 15 successful disarms (outside of the tutorial)

    54.05% (73.00)
  • Knock out 20 enemies in melee combat

    52.15% (75.00)
  • Triggered the flip-off move

    31.24% (126.00)
  • Execute a stomp move on an enemy

    34.77% (113.00)
  • String together: wallrun, wallrun, turn, swing, jump. [Pure Time Trials]

    5.07% (774.00)
  • String together: slide, wallrun, wall climb, turn, jump. [Pure Time Trials]

    5.46% (719.00)
  • String together: springboard, wallrun, turn, swing, jump. [Pure Time Trials]

    5.35% (734.00)
  • String together: wallclimb, turn, swing, wallclimb, turn, swing, jump. [Pure Time Trials]

    5.54% (708.00)
  • Attain a Time Trial star rating of 75. [Pure Time Trials]

    2.84% (1382.00)
  • Attain a Time Trial star rating of 90. [Pure Time Trials]

    2.73% (1438.00)