• 309 Achievements Earned
  • 34 Players Tracked
  • 42 Total Achievements
  • 14,544 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Win your first tournament. (Okay, but you've still got a long way to go to impress me!)

    8.82% (224.00)
  • Win your second tournament. (Hmm... maybe you're okay.)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win your third tournament. (You're pretty good for a former human.)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win your fourth tournament. (Wow, that was awesome!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win your fifth tournament. (You're the best contestant I've ever had!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Lose a tournament. (Still, it's not the end. A new life awaits!)

    85.29% (23.00)
  • During a tournament, get insulted by Missy herself. (Wow, I knew that humans could be pathetic, but you really break the camel's back!)

    8.82% (224.00)
  • During a tournament, gain a gift from Missy herself. (You know, wars have been fought over my blessings. Count yourself lucky!~)

    32.35% (61.00)
  • During a tournament, gain a blessing from Missy herself. (Well, if there are no humans, who am I going to play with?)

    8.82% (224.00)
  • "They who come first, lead unto a new tomorrow."

    2.94% (673.00)
  • During a tournament, open a legendary chest. (Yar! Now make like quick now, or I'll make ye walk the plank!)

    70.59% (28.00)
  • During a tournament, shake an item loose from out of a tree. (Hope it didn't hit your head!)

    44.12% (45.00)
  • During a tournament, eat an MRE. (Nice!)

    67.65% (29.00)
  • During a tournament, start as a male and change your sex to female!

    8.82% (224.00)
  • During a tournament, start as a female and change your sex to male!

    11.76% (168.00)
  • During a tournament, gain a tail by any means. (Guess you'll have to cut some holes in your pants, then!)

    88.24% (22.00)
  • During a tournament, change into another species. (I wonder if you'll keep track of your humanity? Heeheehee!)

    88.24% (22.00)
  • During a tournament, become human again after transforming into another species! (What? You... you cheater!)

    11.76% (168.00)
  • During a tournament, drink some transformative milk. (The pasture awaits!)

    44.12% (45.00)
  • During a tournament, eat a legendary golden fruit.

    2.94% (673.00)
  • During a tournament, begin tracking another contestant. (Wanting to see what happens, eh?)

    79.41% (25.00)
  • During a tournament, become a tauric species. (With those legs, you'll be the cen-taur of attention!)

    47.06% (42.00)
  • During a tournament, become a feral species. (Guess I can't expect you to answer me back, now, can I?)

    23.53% (84.00)
  • Win a quickfire tournament. (Guess SOMEBODY doesn't like waiting around!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win a marathon tournament. (You've worked hard, human. Let me take care of you now...)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win a tournament in the jungle arena. (Listen, I'm all for jungles, but I can't stand the bugs!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win a tournament in the tundra arena. (I hope you didn't freeze your fingers off!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win a tournament in the desert arena. (I don't like sand. It gets everywhere.)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win a tournament in the grasslands arena. (Roughousing a bit there, weren't ya?)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • During a tournament, beat several of Leegross' quizzes. (You beat him? Not surprised. Dumb rat!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • During a tournament, refuse to let Buwddy transform you. (That woman, I swear...)

    8.82% (224.00)
  • During a tournament, bribe Kathiza well to gain her favour. (*Urge to rage intensifying*)

    5.88% (336.00)
  • During a tournament, impress Ciba with your body count of contestants. (I agree, that was pretty cool.)

    5.88% (336.00)
  • During a tournament, find and walk over a volcanic lava source. (Aren't your feet hot?)

    17.65% (112.00)
  • Win a tournament within in or at 20 real-time minutes in any game mode or arena. (You're a cheetah! Haha!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • During a tournament, obtain an item from a vending machine. (Yosha!)

    44.12% (45.00)
  • During a tournament, after upsetting Buwddy, unleash Missy's rampage. (I'll get you, teeheehee!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • During a tournament, activate a feral move. (Unleash the beast!)

    17.65% (112.00)
  • During a tournament, as a feral species, consume an item from the ground. (Who's a good boy?)

    17.65% (112.00)
  • During a tournament, defeat 10 or more contestants in a single game. (Ooooh, you're good!)

    11.76% (168.00)
  • During a tournament, defeat 25 or more contestants in a single game. (You're a champion in the making!)

    2.94% (673.00)
  • Win your twenty-fifth tournament. (Say… you wouldn't find visiting my Kingdom, would you?)

    2.94% (673.00)