• 122,298 Trophies Earned
  • 23,413 Players Tracked
  • 23 Total Trophies
  • 32,905 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 165 Platinum Club
  • 165 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all of The Show™ 19 Trophies.

    0.70% (12281.00)
  • Finish a game without skipping a presentation.

    57.19% (150.00)
  • Throw a no hitter or perfect game in a 9 inning game.

    14.42% (596.00)
  • 3 strikeouts, 9 pitches total in 1 inning.

    29.03% (296.00)
  • In Play Now, Retro Mode, or Franchise Mode, record 3 outs on 3 pitches in 1 inning by 1 pitcher.

    15.74% (546.00)
  • Hit for a cycle in the Postseason™.

    3.08% (2791.00)
  • In Diamond Dynasty, reach the Championship Series Division in Ranked Seasons.

    1.49% (5770.00)
  • Hit a home run from both sides as a switch hitter.

    12.69% (677.00)
  • In Road to the Show successfully win a Boss Battle.

    22.88% (376.00)
  • In Road to the Show, reach a score of 40 in the pitch memory mini-game.

    5.50% (1563.00)
  • Have your first encounter with Heidi Watney.

    53.67% (160.00)
  • Hit the ball over 115+ mph.

    45.77% (188.00)
  • Hit a home run with Ohtani on All-Star or above difficulty.

    4.83% (1780.00)
  • Win the Home Run Derby® with Bryce Harper.

    8.84% (972.00)
  • In Franchise mode, extend a player contract during the season.

    8.91% (965.00)
  • In Road to the Show, reach 10 reps in the bench press mini-game.

    26.23% (328.00)
  • In Road to the Show, complete the new player creation.

    70.12% (123.00)
  • In Road to the Show, fail a challenge.

    55.69% (154.00)
  • In Diamond Dynasty, equip any unlocked audio.

    11.26% (763.00)
  • In Diamond Dynasty, complete the onboarding tutorial.

    30.84% (279.00)
  • Record a walk in your first at-bat of the game.

    24.28% (354.00)
  • In Road to the Show, create a player who was born "At Sea".

    9.96% (863.00)
  • Equip an unlockable no doubt home run animation.

    9.24% (930.00)