• 55,634 Trophies Earned
  • 8,401 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 15,411 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,470 Points
  • 849 Platinum Club
  • 222 100% Club
Earned Date

TheVirtuousCycle DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Spend 100,000 tar in The Virtuous Cycle.

    3.58% (873.00)
  • Return your first seed to Twin Sister.

    3.55% (881.00)
  • Return all seeds to Twin Sister and break the Virtuous Cycle.

    2.74% (1141.00)
  • Unlock all Shell Shades for The Virtuous Cycle.

    2.70% (1158.00)
  • Max familiarity with all of the game's lutes.

    4.48% (698.00)
  • Acquire 100 instincts in one cycle.

    3.49% (896.00)
  • Return a seed with Hadern in The Virtuous Cycle.

    3.04% (1028.00)
  • Acquire all 4 weapon Instincts for the Axatana in one cycle.

    3.77% (829.00)
  • Complete a run in The Virtuous Cycle with the Dark Form Obsidian Shell Shade.

    2.67% (1171.00)
  • Beat all variations of the Dark Shells in The Virtuous Cycle.

    2.76% (1133.00)
  • Fully Upgrade Hadern's skill tree.

    4.09% (764.00)
  • Transform the Axatana between different modes.

    8.55% (366.00)