• 294,448 Trophies Earned
  • 22,528 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Trophies
  • 4,367 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,620 Points
  • 7,110 Platinum Club
  • 3,634 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain every other trophy in the game.

    31.72% (144.00)
  • Win all 3 medals on any Festival event.

    100.00% (46.00)
  • Complete a Festival event in each of the 4 MotorStorm locations.

    74.99% (61.00)
  • Earn 24 medals within the Festival.

    70.81% (65.00)
  • Earn 48 medals within the Festival.

    62.28% (73.00)
  • Unlock all 4 areas of the Playground.

    57.87% (79.00)
  • Beat a friend's ghost in a Race or Hot Lap event who currently sits above you in the leaderboards.

    56.55% (81.00)
  • Customise each of the 8 vehicle classes within your Collection.

    46.71% (98.00)
  • Successfully leapt through the two red basketball hoops within the playground in one session.

    44.86% (102.00)
  • Finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a Festival Race event without colliding into a competitor or barrier.

    44.36% (103.00)
  • Beat 10 times after launching through the Pitwall.

    39.17% (117.00)
  • Bank more than 2000 points in a single drift.

    49.21% (93.00)
  • Earn 96 medals within the Festival.

    48.17% (95.00)
  • Played with all 8 vehicles within the playground in one visit.

    43.69% (105.00)
  • Unlock the Super Car.

    44.03% (104.00)
  • Earn a minimum of 2 medals across all of the 64 Festival events.

    36.36% (126.00)
  • Unlocked 2 of the secret vehicles.

    47.36% (97.00)
  • Beat a time of 17 seconds on the event "Wipe Out".

    37.24% (123.00)
  • Earn all 3 medals on each of the Festival's 64 events.

    34.47% (133.00)
  • Set a time of 10:00 or less across all Monument Valley events.

    36.82% (124.00)
  • Set a time of 10:00 or less across all Pacific Rift events.

    36.04% (127.00)
  • Set a time of 12:00 or less across all Arctic Edge events.

    36.25% (126.00)
  • Set a time of 10:00 or less across all Apocalypse events.

    35.34% (129.00)
  • Set a time of 40:00 or less across the whole MotorStorm RC Festival.

    32.94% (139.00)

Pro-Am Festival DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win all 3 medals on any Pro-Am Festival event.

    25.99% (176.00)
  • Earn 24 medals within the Pro-Am Festival.

    20.96% (218.00)
  • Earn all 3 medals on each of the 16 Pro-Am Festival events.

    18.59% (246.00)
  • Set a time of 12:00 or less across all Pro-Am Festival events.

    18.72% (244.00)

Carnival Festival DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Win all 3 medals on any Carnival Festival event.

    22.21% (206.00)
  • Earn 36 medals within the Carnival Festival.

    18.34% (249.00)
  • Earn all 3 medals on each of the 24 Carnival Festival events.

    16.81% (272.00)
  • Set a time of 17:00 or less across all Carnival Festival events.

    17.17% (266.00)