• 615,931 Trophies Earned
  • 48,034 Players Tracked
  • 66 Total Trophies
  • 20,403 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,740 Points
  • 2,137 Platinum Club
  • 628 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all the other 49 Trophies

    4.57% (462.00)
  • Boost Explode over the finish line to win 10 races

    24.31% (87.00)
  • Win 5 races on each track

    12.36% (171.00)
  • Race for a total of one hour

    92.78% (23.00)
  • Race for a total of 10 hours

    37.16% (57.00)
  • Successfully land a jump of 185m or more

    69.61% (30.00)
  • Take part in 250 races

    15.31% (138.00)
  • Travel a total of 500km

    58.05% (36.00)
  • Wreck your vehicle 250 times

    63.43% (33.00)
  • Complete a Split-Screen race with 4 players

    20.35% (104.00)
  • Beat 48 developer's ghosts on Time Attack

    6.19% (341.00)
  • Perform an impressive Barrel Roll

    57.35% (37.00)
  • Successfully punch or ram 100 vehicles

    19.39% (109.00)
  • Win 50 races using a lightweight vehicle

    12.04% (175.00)
  • Win 50 races using a mediumweight vehicle

    14.29% (148.00)
  • Win 50 races using a heavyweight vehicle

    12.21% (173.00)
  • Punch 5 competitors in a single race and go on to win gold

    16.22% (130.00)
  • Win a race by a margin of less than 0.1s

    39.28% (54.00)
  • In Eliminator escape from last place 10 times with only 3 seconds to go

    21.90% (96.00)
  • Create and win 10 free-play races

    21.65% (97.00)
  • Beat all 128 original developer ghosts in Time Attack

    5.53% (382.00)
  • Win 250 races

    9.01% (234.00)
  • Reach rank 3 in the Festival to unlock all 8 vehicle classes

    68.77% (31.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Bike

    40.77% (52.00)
  • ATV

    Win 5 Festival races using an ATV

    24.30% (87.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Buggy

    61.08% (35.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Rally Car

    31.25% (68.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Racing Truck

    53.01% (40.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Mudplugger

    34.64% (61.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Big Rig

    31.35% (67.00)
  • Win 5 Festival races using a Monster Truck

    24.26% (87.00)
  • Knock down 10 dismounted drivers

    12.83% (164.00)
  • Win a race without using boost

    26.66% (79.00)
  • Unlock all 16 Speed events

    10.37% (203.00)
  • Unlock all 16 Eliminator events

    11.88% (178.00)
  • Win all 16 Eliminator events

    8.35% (253.00)
  • Win all 16 Speed events

    8.60% (245.00)
  • Win any Rank 8 race without being wrecked

    12.31% (171.00)
  • Win 96 Silver Medals

    8.73% (242.00)
  • Win 96 Gold medals

    7.99% (264.00)
  • Complete a ranked Online race with 12 players

    33.80% (62.00)
  • Complete 50 Online ranked races

    12.19% (173.00)
  • Complete 50 online casual races

    6.17% (342.00)
  • Win an Online ranked race without wrecking

    13.83% (153.00)
  • Win 3 Online ranked races in a row

    6.81% (310.00)
  • Come 1st in an Online ranked race

    16.35% (129.00)
  • Reach Online rank 2 (Rookie)

    16.59% (127.00)
  • Reach Online rank 3 (Veteran)

    8.89% (237.00)
  • Reach Online rank 4 (Hero)

    5.97% (353.00)
  • Reach Online rank 5 (Legend)

    5.34% (395.00)
  • Qualify and Race All Bike Rival Races

    3.75% (563.00)
  • Qualify and Race All ATV Rival Races

    3.44% (613.00)
  • Qualify and Race All Buggy Rival Races

    3.48% (606.00)
  • Qualify and Race all Rally Car Rival Races

    3.38% (624.00)
  • Qualify and Race All Racing Truck Rival Races

    3.32% (636.00)
  • Qualify and Race All Mudplugger Rival Races

    3.29% (641.00)
  • Qualify and Race All Big Rig Rival Races

    3.27% (645.00)
  • Qualify and Race All Monster Truck Rival Races

    3.31% (637.00)
  • Play a Split-Screen race on all six SPEED tracks

    3.92% (538.00)
  • Beat Developer Ghosts on all six SPEED tracks

    1.68% (1256.00)
  • Win an Online race on each of the six SPEED tracks

    2.29% (921.00)
  • Win online with each DLC character on any DLC track

    2.15% (981.00)
  • Beat Developer Ghosts on all eight ADRENALINE tracks

    1.65% (1279.00)
  • Win an Online race on each of the eight ADRENALINE tracks

    2.25% (938.00)
  • Play a Split-Screen Race on all eight ADRENALINE tracks

    3.14% (672.00)
  • Hardcore Freeplay – Win on all eight ADRENALINE tracks (full grid)

    1.87% (1128.00)