• 9,860 Trophies Earned
  • 776 Players Tracked
  • 27 Total Trophies
  • 3,636 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 161 Platinum Club
  • 161 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect All Available Trophies.

    20.75% (270.00)
  • Get one EX rank

    77.96% (72.00)
  • Get 118% Syncrat on any song

    71.91% (78.00)
  • Get a total of 5000 EXACT note judgements

    53.74% (104.00)
  • Play a total of 10000 notes

    70.49% (80.00)
  • Get one B rank

    81.57% (3.00)
  • Complete HD mode once

    82.09% (3.00)
  • Get EX rank on 3 songs

    63.27% (89.00)
  • Play one song 8 times continuously

    40.59% (138.00)
  • Select Exit when you play a Lv.? song

    54.64% (103.00)
  • Speak to the shopkeeper 10 times

    49.61% (113.00)
  • Get a total of 30 EX ranks

    39.43% (142.00)
  • Get 120% Sync on any song

    49.74% (113.00)
  • Get 18000 EXACT note marks total

    44.97% (125.00)
  • Play a total of 50000 notes

    43.17% (130.00)
  • All Songs Average Sync to 110%

    29.64% (189.00)
  • Complete any song at 6 different stages

    50.26% (112.00)
  • Get EX rank on 10 songs

    46.26% (121.00)
  • Play one song 15 times continuously

    37.11% (151.00)
  • Play 10 different songs in a row

    62.76% (89.00)
  • Get one EX rank at 6K Mode

    38.79% (145.00)
  • Get a total of 100 EX ranks

    28.09% (200.00)
  • Any Song get 122% Sync

    26.16% (215.00)
  • Get 50000 EXACT note marks total

    32.09% (175.00)
  • Play a total of 200000 notes

    27.06% (207.00)
  • All Songs Average Sync to 115%

    27.06% (207.00)
  • Play All Songs, All Difficulties, and All Modes

    21.39% (262.00)