• 80,869 Trophies Earned
  • 10,390 Players Tracked
  • 40 Total Trophies
  • 16,832 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 239 Platinum Club
  • 239 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Win all bronze, silver, and gold trophies

    2.30% (1341.00)
  • Complete any Freestyle, any Opencross, any National, and any Supercross

    37.21% (83.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Amateur Offroad Series

    24.05% (128.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Pro UTV Opencross Series

    7.25% (425.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Pro Freestyle Series

    5.62% (549.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Pro ATV National Series

    4.55% (678.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Pro SX 250 West Championship

    3.64% (847.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Pro SX 250 East Championship

    3.47% (889.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the Pro SX 450 Championship

    3.29% (937.00)
  • Place 1st in every race in a series

    15.86% (194.00)
  • Win 10 holeshots

    18.66% (165.00)
  • Lap an opponent in a race

    22.28% (138.00)
  • Finish a race without going off track

    38.73% (80.00)
  • Place 1st in any race on All Time difficulty

    5.53% (558.00)
  • Complete an Online match

    15.56% (198.00)
  • Complete 25 Online matches

    4.85% (636.00)
  • Place 1st in 25 Online matches

    3.97% (777.00)
  • Place 1st in an Online match with 15 human opponents

    4.00% (771.00)
  • Spend MotoCoin for the first time

    42.95% (72.00)
  • Spend over 100,000 MotoCoin

    8.73% (353.00)
  • Tune a vehicle part

    39.60% (78.00)
  • Upgrade a part to Factory

    29.47% (105.00)
  • Equip as many factory level parts as possible on a vehicle

    13.86% (222.00)
  • Wreck 50 times

    48.68% (63.00)
  • Ride for over 100 miles

    21.83% (141.00)
  • Land a jump with a distance of 300 feet or greater

    23.57% (131.00)
  • Collect all 100 Sprockets in Free Ride

    2.51% (1228.00)
  • Sucessfully perform any stunt

    96.55% (32.00)
  • Land a flip

    74.94% (41.00)
  • Hold a Wheelie trick for 150 feet or longer

    61.78% (50.00)
  • Hold a Stoppie trick for 75 feet or longer

    26.68% (116.00)
  • Pull off 5 unique stunts in a race event

    15.57% (198.00)
  • Pull off 100 stunt combos

    8.60% (359.00)
  • Successfully perform a 11x stunt combo

    9.87% (312.00)
  • Successfully perform a 7x stunt combo ending with a no hander stunt

    7.30% (422.00)
  • Win a Tag Mini-Game

    4.87% (633.00)
  • Survive the infection

    3.76% (820.00)
  • Infect the most people

    4.93% (625.00)
  • Beat your ghost in Time Trial

    8.59% (359.00)
  • Place 3rd or better in the All Out Tour

    2.86% (1078.00)