• 69,247 Trophies Earned
  • 38,831 Players Tracked
  • 15 Total Trophies
  • 170,254 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 11 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Reach Pro rank.

    4.96% (809.00)
  • Reach Amateur rank.

    14.36% (279.00)
  • Become Champion 100 times in total in Ranked Matches.

    0.85% (4719.00)
  • Obtain 50 Emblems.

    4.22% (950.00)
  • Create a "My Banner"

    40.29% (100.00)
  • Send 10,000 Likes in total.

    0.62% (6469.00)
  • K.O. 300 opponents in total in Ranked Matches.

    1.89% (2122.00)
  • Reach Player Level 50.

    3.97% (1010.00)
  • Obtain 1,000,000 Gold in total.

    0.64% (6267.00)
  • Purchase an item at the Shop 100 times in total. (Purchasing multiple items at once only counts for 1 time.)

    1.17% (3428.00)
  • Obtain 1,000,000 Agency Points in total.

    0.03% (133701.00)
  • Complete the Tutorial. (Can be achieved even if Tutorial is skipped.)

    100.00% (40.00)
  • Unlock 10 Illustrations in the Gallery.

    1.41% (2845.00)
  • Obtain 1,000 ★ in Missions in total.

    2.79% (1438.00)
  • Get the highest rating 200 times in total in Ranked Match results.

    0.66% (6077.00)