• 70,550 Trophies Earned
  • 7,265 Players Tracked
  • 41 Total Trophies
  • 23,467 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,275 Points
  • 94 Platinum Club
  • 94 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other achievements.

    1.29% (3222.00)
  • Complete 20 quests of Heroic Tales.

    2.62% (1586.00)
  • Attain 'Undying Glory' 20 times.

    11.75% (354.00)
  • Raise a hero's Cultivation to 'The Chosen One'.

    4.25% (978.00)
  • Raise a melee weapon to Lv. 25.

    2.13% (1951.00)
  • Raise a ranged weapon to Lv. 25.

    1.34% (3102.00)
  • Unlock 8 achievements in a single game.

    10.05% (414.00)
  • Perform 2 Counters in 60 seconds.

    32.66% (127.00)
  • Defeat 3 enemies in 60 seconds.

    81.89% (51.00)
  • Unlock Perfect Aim achievement in 3 matches.

    4.91% (846.00)
  • Survive for over 3 minutes and achieve victory while the only one in your party still alive.

    11.85% (351.00)
  • Pray to a statue in a Stash.

    5.71% (728.00)
  • Equip 3 Gold Souljades at once.

    21.14% (197.00)
  • Defeat an enemy with the waterwheel.

    5.20% (799.00)
  • Possess 30,000 Dark Tide Coins.

    36.21% (115.00)
  • Rescue 3 downed party members in a single game.

    11.23% (370.00)
  • Kill a Golden Toad.

    22.38% (186.00)
  • Equip the Focus Slide Souljade and use its effects to knock an enemy airborne.

    4.74% (877.00)
  • Equip 3 different Souljades for a single weapon at once.

    20.00% (208.00)
  • Defeat an enemy with a Moonbane Charm.

    7.46% (557.00)
  • Defeat an enemy with a Ballista.

    11.07% (375.00)
  • Obtain a Gold Souljade.

    71.48% (58.00)
  • Defeat an enemy with your bare fists.

    13.23% (314.00)
  • Defeat an enemy from over 50m away.

    10.14% (410.00)
  • In a single game, spend a total of 150 sec hiding in bushes.

    8.78% (473.00)
  • Travel 7,500m in a single game.

    5.71% (728.00)
  • Get the first kill.

    55.00% (76.00)
  • Play a game of The Survival.

    99.42% (42.00)
  • Attain 'Undying Glory'.

    84.71% (49.00)
  • Obtain a piece of legendary-quality gear.

    65.41% (64.00)
  • Deal 5000 damage with a Bloodripper.

    4.61% (902.00)
  • Deal 5000 damage with a Flamebringer.

    8.07% (515.00)
  • Deal 5000 damage with a Swarm.

    5.29% (786.00)
  • Open a Stash.

    21.00% (198.00)
  • In a single game, defeat 5 enemies in Celestra.

    36.57% (114.00)
  • In a single game, defeat 5 enemies in Shadowjade Mine.

    12.50% (332.00)
  • In a single game, defeat 5 enemies in Sunwing's Rest.

    16.59% (251.00)
  • In a single game, defeat 5 enemies in Shipwreck Expanse.

    16.41% (253.00)
  • In a single game, defeat 5 enemies in Eventide Temple.

    19.93% (209.00)
  • Feel the effects of a statue another player's prayed to.

    16.41% (253.00)
  • Become the Kill Leader (the player with the most kills in the game so far).

    89.94% (46.00)