• 24,606 Trophies Earned
  • 2,022 Players Tracked
  • 41 Total Trophies
  • 7,224 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 178 Platinum Club
  • 176 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all the other Trophies.

    8.70% (448.00)
  • Make it to pit road with a flat tire

    34.12% (114.00)
  • Win a race with the HUD turned off

    26.46% (147.00)
  • Start and finish a race without any driving assists

    36.70% (106.00)
  • Pass a total of 250 cars

    54.01% (72.00)
  • Drive as 10 different drivers

    25.32% (154.00)
  • Win a race after Qualifying first and leading the most laps

    45.90% (85.00)
  • Run a custom tuning setup in a race

    38.67% (101.00)
  • Be the Lucky Dog driver in a race

    44.56% (88.00)
  • Be involved in a wreck at Talladega

    34.97% (112.00)
  • Qualify on Pole 20 times

    17.80% (219.00)
  • DNF from a race by critically damaging your car

    40.70% (96.00)
  • Win a race while driving a Chevy

    56.73% (69.00)
  • Win a race while driving a Ford

    38.77% (101.00)
  • Win a race while driving a Toyota

    37.39% (104.00)
  • Sign 10 Sponsors to your car

    22.75% (171.00)
  • Research everything in the R&D department

    20.67% (189.00)
  • Invest in all areas of the Race Shop

    30.66% (127.00)
  • Win the Sprint Cup in Career

    20.43% (191.00)
  • Win the Sprint Cup in Career on at least 90% difficulty

    10.14% (385.00)
  • Finish your first Sprint Cup Season in Career

    22.90% (170.00)
  • In Career, win a race using only refurbished parts

    47.23% (83.00)
  • Finish a full season with over 2,400 points

    20.38% (191.00)
  • Finish all the 2013 Highlights with at least a Bronze award

    9.89% (394.00)
  • Finish all the 2013 Highlights with at least a Silver award

    9.64% (405.00)
  • Finish all the 2013 Highlights with at least a Gold award

    9.59% (407.00)
  • Win a League Season

    19.44% (201.00)
  • Take part in an Online Race

    46.04% (85.00)
  • Win your first Online Race

    34.12% (114.00)
  • Win 10 Online Races

    21.96% (178.00)
  • Win 20 Online Races

    20.18% (193.00)
  • Participate in 50 Online Races

    17.21% (227.00)
  • Participate in 100 Online Races

    15.33% (254.00)
  • Save an Online Replay

    27.55% (142.00)
  • Make a custom brush in the Paint Booth

    31.95% (122.00)
  • Create a custom paint scheme

    82.99% (47.00)
  • Take a picture using Photo Mode

    52.08% (75.00)
  • Win the Sprint Cup in Chase Mode

    14.89% (262.00)
  • Win the Sprint Cup in Single Season Mode

    12.76% (306.00)
  • Win the All-Star Race

    23.34% (167.00)
  • Run 10 laps in a single Track Testing session

    32.00% (122.00)